what's wrong hearly?

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You know hearly the sexual one, the crazy one, the jokers love. We all know she's crazy and perky right? Well not today it seems. I ran over to her, concern i ask, "hearly are you ok?" But she just sat under a oak tree in silence. Ever since yesterdays fight with the joker she has been all sad. When I was about to leave she she said "Why would u even care?" I look back, I was one of her vary close freinds why would she ask that? I said "Becuse your my freind and I want to help you." I kinda felt stupied after saying that cuz the Suacide SQUAD don't really say those kinds of stuff. But all she did was just look at me and leave. I ask the other people if they knew, all they said was "just let her be". And I did until the joker came back. "Here we go again" I sighed "there probably going to fight...again".

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