Million Dollar Baby (Harry Styles FanFic)

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"I... am a sex slave. A person held in servitude as the property of another, completely subservient to a dominating influence. Technically, I suppose "whore" would be a more appropriate term to describe what I am. You see, I have made myself completely available to a man, albeit one man, in exchange for money. This would include but is not limited to, my loyalty, discretion, and the use of my body in every way, shape and form that suits his needs. The irony is that I wasn't forced into this life. I chose it. Well, I really didn't have another choice as a better opportunity hadn't presented itself in time but I chose it all the same time. He didn't force me. He didn't seek me out. I hadn't been kidnapped or brutally beaten into submission. I went willingly....... And I did it all to save a life. My name is Jessica Olsen, and this is my story."

Multumesc pentru coperta @DeeeaaaStyles , multumesc @TommoCarrot69 .

Am pus asta aici pentru ca nu mai este pe wattpad (doar de la capitolul 14, ceva..) si chiar o voiam aici. Da, am schimbat personajele si da, stiu ca s-ar putea sa-mi fie trecuta pe privat si toate cele, facut asta in primul rand pentru mine si daca mai vrea cineva sa citeasca e-n regula. In orice caz...Million Dollar Baby's here.

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