the emperors thirst

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I am the richest kid in the world, I have a lot of power in my hands and I am respected thats all I know. I don't know how I got that power or money, I don't even know if what people have on me is respect or fear. I was racing my friends with horses, I was really good at horse riding  so I won. next I had sword fighting classes, I always wanted to know why my father made me go to those classes I am already the best swordsmen in my empire, no probably the whole world. i already beat my master as well. I finished my training for the day so i went home. I was happily resting in my room when my father came in and told me I should get ready for my incarnation. I was really happy I went to my sick mother  and started crying don’t get me wrong they were happy tears. I only had some dreams to cure my mother, control this legendary power I was born with and become the emperor. It was all so sudden I didn't know what to do but i did know I had to be emperor some day so I said  OK.  in order to become the emperor I had to read this book called the book of rules which was abandoned a long time ago, but I thought I would take a peak and it said "in order to become an emperor, you must first take a trip all over your empire. to be honest I didn't even know how far the empire expanded since i was born, but all i know is its big. i got on my horse and told my father i would take a trip outside the royal palace. "why, if you need anything send your guards. said my father" " i need to go by myself to the city, it says so in the book of rules." "you are still following that, any way if you insist on it go ahead."  I was never allowed outside of the palace walls. I always was told by my story teller that when I was a kid that the city had beautiful buildings, people always laughing without any problems, hospitals that had cures to a lot of disease, but whenever he was telling me about the city I always saw some kind of guiltiness in his eyes I didn't know why but I was too worried about myself to care, sometimes he just ran out and he would be called by my father and next day i would have a new story teller, i was never told what happened to all the story tellers whether they were fired or EXECUTED. They opened the gates and i traveled a long way and found a place that was not so beautiful, people were suffering with diseases no one had money, there was not a single laugh. people were living in houses that i didn't even know could be used as houses. i went to one guy and tried to ask him something but he ran away. every one was running away from me. this guy was cornered so I asked him where is the city and i couldn't believe what he said. he said " this is the city" and ran away afraid that I would throw him in jail or execute him. i was really angry at my father, I went to the royal accountant and asked him how much is the kingdom earning for month and he said " trillion gold coins a day". I didn't know what to say i didn't even know those many gold coins could exist. i immediately went to the captain who takes care of all the army, so I asked him till where did we conquer and he showed me a map and i was amazed at what i saw it was just a small island marked in yellow and then he told me ours is the one marked in red and except that island marked in yellow we conquered everything. i went to my fathers throne but he was not there so i went to his room he was not there either. i asked the captain where my father was and he said "he went to conquer the small island marked in yellow". i didn't know what to do if he conquers it, he will have conquered the whole world. i have to do something but i can't so i thank and thank and at the end i decided to stand for the people and fight back for what they lost, for what i lost. I will fight back for the people and be a proper ruler unlike my father. so i started by taking a look at my empire and the kingdoms my father captured. They didn't look so good so i started to look for people to gather an army. There were three kinds of expression from people 1) expression they were laughing so hard on my face, their spit was falling all over my face. 2) they were too scared to speak but the good thing is they actually believed that I was the prince. 3) they were so angry and thought of killing me if they can. i was tired and  was about to return home when a girl about my age with pink hair and blue sparky eyes stopped me. She said i will join your army I didn't know what to say but there was one thing i couldn't stop myself  from doing ''I started laughing so hard i had a stomach ache''.'' I am serious she said. I said '' you wouldn't last a single day". I laughed and went away later when I went to another kingdom begging people join my one man army I got attacked by bandits. 10 or 20 I can handle but they were highly skilled 30 bandits. i didn't know what to do so I started fighting with a small hope. I was able to fight for a while but i started losing control and before I knew it fell down unconscious to the floor. I woke up later after a while and it was really warm I thought I was in heaven after I saw the pink haired girl again. i asked her "did you die too" she said " what are you talking about?''. I said " so we aren't in heaven" she said "no". ''Then what happened to the bandits", she said "don't you remember i saved you" I started laughing so hard i had a stomach ache again. Then I remembered i saw the pink hair before i want unconscious. i asked her "so you really did save me" she said "yes  I did".  "Thanks" I asked her what's your name she said it was  " Aida Ayer" . I was amazed i asked her so your from the ayers clan she said yes.   "I thought there were no survivors of that clan since they went to fight in the war of the gods. she asked me "do you know what the war of the gods is" I told her yes i do it was a fight between the half of the world that my empire occupied and the half of the world that the other empire occupied it took 10 years to end the war. my empire won the war and there was only a little left to be occupied after that. She asked me "do you know how the ayers died she asked me" i told her "I went to school I know how they died". They died fighting in the war of the gods. She laughed and said so you don't know. what don't i know. she said" do you know how powerful the Ayers are","pretty powerful i guess. she said "they are really powerful they are so powerful that if they were to participate in the war of the gods they could have finished the war by a month". i was amazed i asked her ''what do you mean''. she said " I mean the truth is the Ayers found about your fathers plan about occupying the whole world. So they plotted on over throwing the emperor but before they could they got caught, when me and my parents were in an another kingdom sent by your father to make a deal. Your father knows that if my father or my mother was there they had a chance of losing so they sent us away and ordered the assassination clan to kill every single member of the Ayers clan. After a while my mother and father got a word saying the Ayers were attacked . my parents found out that this was a setup to send us away and attack the clan. my parents thought of going back to the clan and fighting but they were too afraid that if they took me back they would kill me too so they left me in the king's care and left, after a day the king found out that they were executed. the king had no children so he took good care of me, but after a while his my care take the king and his kingdom got occupied he told me this story when he was about to die. I managed to escape. I was terrified by what she said. she said again " in other words history of the empire is your father's own book that he can change however he wants". i was mad so i bowed down and asked her to join my army. she was surprised and accepted. we began our journey from there. We went to the anatolia kingdom and were asking people to join our army. We got some people to join the army although most of them just joined because they liked her, but there were really some people who hated my empire . I asked her while we were going into the inn " do you know who i am". Yes, she said " the prince of Otasia and the one and only inheritor of all the marches wealth. I was shocked I didn't know that she knew.¨yes, my lord¨. Meanwhile we were going to other kingdoms to gather more troops after I saw what happened in Aberraa I was showing more seriousness in gathering troops and so were the people but  I asked her how did she know she laughed and said I found out when you were begging people to join your army. First thing in the morning we started gathering more troops. After we gathered 300 soldiers we started training . We trained for 13 hours a day, 8 hours for running laps, 2 hours for going through harsh climates, 1 hour for eating food and an taking rest and the last hours dueling each other. After 2 months of harsh training and gathering troops leaving weak people behind. We had 1000 man army. Then we started the first battle against the empire to free Aberraa. It was a small kingdom but we didn't want to get noticed so fast by freeing big kingdoms. We set out at midnight. We went to the kingdom where she was left by her mother and father (Aberraa) and tried to free it. It wasn’t as easy as i thought but after a whole day of fighting with only 100 soldiers left we won everyone was happy except me. Everyone laughed and were happy but i wasn't because this was a small kingdom to free and it costed us a lot of lives,money,and my secret. Now my father knows i am freeing kingdoms. This was more of a loss than a victory, if there is one thing i know my father it is that he will show no mercy he will kill everyone in his way to achieve his dream including his own son if he has to. I was unhappy ayer came to me and asked me one thing “ I know you are sad and i know exactly why but look at how happy, they are just as innocent as children but they fought well, I think they at least deserve a smile from the guy who led them into battle and helped them win. I nodded slowly knowing that my smile will represent nothing more than pain and sorrow but I needed to do something so I went outside waved my hand and smiled. My smile was thinner than the air but it sufficed. I wanted to shout out loud that we started the most dangerous war ever and most likely we will lose but all i did was wave and smile like a dog.  Meanwhile in my father's castle. ¨My lord we brought you a knews that might sadden you¨. ¨what shall that be messenger¨. ¨We have recently learnt that one of the kingdoms was freed¨. ¨How? but who would dare to disobey me and go against me? who?. ¨It was freed by a group called the dark dragons¨. ¨such a silly name, oh well it won't matter kill the leader and then terminate the group and why tell such small issue to me¨? ¨ The problem is my lord we learnt recently that your son was the leader of the group¨. ¨That won't matter send some troops and kill him no mercy shown¨. ¨My lord you might want to rethink this...¨. ¨That won't be necessary leave at once and one more thing take some skilled troops to kill him if he spots even one weakness he will kill you without mercy before you can say HELP. He looks nice, kindly, friendly and everything on the outside but if he gets really angry he will turn out more dangerous than me.What are you sitting there for leave at once¨. since my father found out about me, my main and only problem was money. I can't get money from my father, we can’t collect taxes nor can we make our own money. We were broke! I have to do something I thought and thought but couldn’t find anything at the end with no equipment we had to open our hand and ask the king of the kingdom we just freed, for money. He couldn’t pay us any money right now but couldn’t refuse he said “we will be indebted to you forever”.He immediately established a tax called DD war funds. At first the people were angry, but after he explained  why the tax was being held they were okay with it. I guess it is true people are children that you need to care of if you have power.  After we gathered a lot of people we started training, the hundred people who survived the war were already used to the harsh training but the rest were falling down just after 2 hours. Soon our money came in it wasn’t a lot but it sufficed. After two months of harsh training we had another 1000 members and everyone thought we would go to free another kingdom but I didn’t. Everyone was confused I said we would wait a little longer, some were confused, some were angry. They asked me why, I thought I shouldn’t answer but they looked like they demanded an answer so I talked. My father, my empire won because they had a really big if they fight  a small kingdom right the soldiers would surround everyone 100:1 they wouldn’t even lose one soldier, but us after freeing just one small kingdom we lost 900 soldiers 100 and me came out alive. We just barely won I don’t want to lose any more soldiers, even if you train for 23 hours a day and become the strongest human beings in the world when you are surrounded 100:1 you will die. We will gather a lot more soldiers and a lot more money even if it means robbing the nobles and ministers. And then we will outnumber them 100:1 WE WILL WIN NO MATTER WHAT. some were still angry, some were encouraged, some were happy, some already started gathering more people and some were scared. There was one thing in common not one of them wanted to lose. we started gathering more and more people it was like a nonstop people gathering game. All of them went through harsh training we started freeing more and more kingdom. Every king established the DD war funds tax. The more and more harsh training we took the more me and ayer got closer, the more kingdoms we freed  the more we got closer and closer and after freeing half of the world I got a message from my father. He said we should have a final battle on the kenyan battlefield the place where the battle of gods took place. A final battle meant only one thing, more people dead, more blood, more sadness, more families will lose more members of their family and there is still only a 5% chance we would win. All of us might be killed and still not win, but if I don’t accept the final battle they will come into our kingdoms and civilians will be killed and we still may not win. I quickly accepted the battle and started thinking of a plan to win this battle and end this war. There were only 3 days left till the final battle begins, I can’t sleep neither can I stay awake. Thats when she came in  and told me something “you know, you are not half bad. Anyone who lived all his life in a  really big palace and is a prince who is about to become the emperor of the entire world a prince who got anything he wanted. Children played with toys, you played with kingdoms, you are the richest man in the world but to leave all that and to come and live with normal people, to leave all that and go against your own father to leave all that and risk your life every second to  to fight for these people and still not run away after what you’ve seen. How do you do it?” “When people in our army say I will give it my all they are lying. When someone says I will give it my all in a war to be exact they should be prepared to die if it means winning. They should treat death as nothing but a simple obstacle between them and their goal or not an obstacle at all. If you take a matured child and tell him a lot of people’s lives depend on him and the only way he could save them is by beating this 500 pounds sumo slammer he might not win but he would risk his life to beat the sumo slammer. A man is at his strongest, is not when he goes through intense training but when they are ready to risk their lives to win and risk their lives for their comrades.” She said “remember when you asked me what kind of boys I like, well I like boys like you boys who are willing to risk their life to save me and the people.” “Well aren’t those high expectations” we had a good laugh. I never knew it would so refreshing to talk to her, for a second I forgot everything in my mind and laughed. “I am jealous of you, how could you treat death as if its not even an obstacle. I will give it a try” there was suddenly a silence in the room “I will protect the commander with my life”. I was happy deep in my heart. All my family showed them till now was nothing but despair and sorrow but just because I showed them a little hope they are getting ready to risk their lives. Thats when I decided that I would propose to her if we won the war. The next day was the day of the battle. We marched and bowed to each other and started the battle. I knew about my fathers destructive power so I tried to lure him into a different place to battle him but he stood his ground like he was glued, so i went there myself and started to fight of course we were even was what I thought but he was serious and he was overwhelmingly strong before I knew it he hit me and I fell on the ground no wonder he made me train and train even though I was the best. I was losing but I could not give up no matter what because of them so I kept on fighting no matter how many times I fell down. He was laughing after some hours my arms legs broke and was tired and he did not even break a sweat so I thought I could intimidate him but he had too much experience he wouldn’t fall for me and then he said “Now lets end this shall we” and he gave a final blow. There was a lot of blood a lot but I couldn’t feel any pain. The blood was not mine, I saw pink hair and then I closed my eyes. A little tear fell out of my eye and I was in a dark place. I saw two people they were gods that we worshipped. If there was 1 thing I knew is that they can lend me power so I pleaded them to lend me power they said “if you sign this contract every last drop of your energy will be used you will be able to defeat him but after that you will die.” I didn't have enough time to think so I immediately signed the contract. Then they said to me again the power you have inherited was not an overwhelming power but a self destruct power, its fueled by your will when your will is strong something like this will happen. The next thing I knew I was surrounded with power my father was sweating. I attacked  immediately without hesitating, my power was overwhelming after a while he was on the ground and I was holding the sword but I couldn't kill him. He was amazed “aren't you going to kill me” I smiled thinly and said “killing each other would give us nothing but more sorrow and pain.” I saw tears coming out of his eyes, he hugged me and we stayed like that for a while. “I am sorry, lets go home son.” “I  can’t but promise me 1 thing free all the kingdoms.” He understood what was going on and said “yes, I promise.” He gave me 1 last hug and left. I slept on the ground  thought of the people who were fighting, thought about my mother, thought about ayer and said “I am coming” and then closed my eyes and after 5 minutes I was silenced. After my father went outside all the people thought I died and we lost but my father surrendered and said all the people working in the empire are here by fired and the empire is no more, and as for the money we have right now it will be given to the people. I will be living in a small cottage in the capital city. Thank you and I am sorry for all the trouble I caused, please forgive me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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