Chapter 1

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I wake up and rush to get ready as usual, sleeping through all of my alarms except the last one. I'm glad the other people in the house are smart enough to get ready and to the bus stop on their own. I finish my makeup and stare at my face, seeing the tired zombie figure I've become. Grabbing my coffee and backpack and rushing to my purple challenger. My heels clack against the asphalt. Suddenly, I hear the neighbors yelling and my glance quickly darts to where the boy next door is getting kicked out of his house, again.

The boy seems to be around my age, his shaggy brown hair and piercing blue eyes were absolutely breath taking. He seems to be the only child and the victim of all the yelling. His backpack was thrown out of the door right at him and as he caught it he looks right at me. I am staring, or more like gawking at him. He holds my stare for a few seconds, then throws his hood over his head. Walking to his truck and leaving as fast as he showed up. God damn he's fucking gorgeous.

I arrive at school and see the cars of the people I usually hang out with in the front of the school. Everyone is hanging out in front of Jessie's crystal blue Volkswagen bug so I park next to it. I'm soon bombarded with greeting and plenty of hugs. Trying to not spill my coffee, I make my way over to the one person I don't completely hate. My only real friend Melissa was waiting for me, her golden ringlet curls and amber eyes shining in the sun, it seems like she is always ready for a photoshoot. We met in a library after literally running into each other.

"Hey sleeping beauty, we have three tests today so I hope you studied," she said bright and cheery.

With little energy, I replied, "I only studied a little bit because I have a life you know." Which led to the whole group laughing with superficial laughs.

The group, which was Melissa, Jason, Maria, Ashton, and the twins Becky and Jessie, and I, went inside the school. My group happened to be the group that you see in every movie ever. You know, the one with all the snarky popular bitches in it and everyone in the hall parts to make way for them. Yes, that would be us. I don't like it as much as the others in my clique did but I never complain about it.

This is my every day. Nothing new ever happened. Until something happened that changed everything.

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