Lucky Inlove - Short Valentines Special

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[A/N:] This is just a short story. My other story is being completed still, hope you all enjoy this one in the meantime :) ILYASM <3 & Happy Valentines Day <3

My name is Tatum. I'm 18y/o and get this : Never been kissed . Domt worry , this isn't some soppy love story of how I met the love of my life and had *the perfect first-kiss* . Not only because it didn't happen , but because that bullshit just doesn't happen in real life.

The reason I still havemt had my first kiss is because I am waayy too picky when it comes to boys and won't just give up my *innocence* to just anyone. Its not that I'm ugly and no one wants to kiss me either. I would probably consider myself a solid 7 and a 1/2 out of ten. I've got dark brown hairwith a few blonde streaks in my fringe. ( I was trying to make a statement, haha jokes on me I guess). I have very light brown eyes which go emerald green when I am angry. My friends describe them as becoming green balls of fire . What a bunch of poetic weirsos.... My skin is kind of olive coloured , but I'm serious need of a tan! Its been a rough winter.

Anyway let's go back a few weeks.: So I went to this party with my best friend Caitlin. In our friendship she's the one that is very girly! Like over the top kind of girly. Before going out she will come over like 4-5 hours in advance to "revamp" me. I don't mind , afterwards she'd say she feels like she's Leo da Vinci and had just finished painting the Mona Lisa . Such a drama queen, which makes sense she is part of the on campus drama club...

So off we were to this guy she met over spring breaks house for a party I was really mot keen on. I was dressed very casually (well as casual as Caitlin would allow me to be) . She made me wear a babydoll dress and the only compromise I could make was to be able to wear my Converse. My hair was done in a side - braid and she Caitlin-ized it by adding little fake blosoms here and there. I must admit, it looked pretty cute :) .

This guys house was packed! There were people outside on the front lawn. Some wasted and others stoned... I remember thinking 'God Caitlin, what have you gotten us into??' . The guy opened the door (he seemed mildly sober still) . He greeted Caitlin with a kiss on the cheek and before he could do the same with me I stick my hand out to shake his.

Inside was even worse. It had been a full on kegger party, so I assumed it was a phrathouse. This whole night had been a complete nightmare I basically just sat on a dusty couch and drank cheap beer. speaking to no one.. (because I did not know ANYONE) . At that moment, just as I started feeling sorry for myself I felt like someone was watching me. I had turned around and my suspiscions had been confirmed. This guy was just standing against this wall a few feet behind me. He had curly hair and piercing green eyes. I could see some tattoos on his left arm, but they didn't seem to make any snese. Not to me anyway...

I was bored so I got up and walked over to him.

"Hi. My names Tatum.'Whats yours?" I asked very boldly. Was a bit shocked at my sudden out of character action.

He smirked and replied in a british accent "Harry..."

The rest of the night went better, we had a very long , very deep conversation about cheese, because that's just how interesting I am. ;) Afterwards he asked if I would like to go get some ice-cream and after that we wnet back to his place... Throughout all pf this I kept hearing a little voice in my head saying this guy looks freakishly familiar. I just could not put my finger on it.

In his apartment we sat on the couch and I had started getting nwrvpus... (At that stage stille never been kissed remember?) He moved closer to me and put his hand on my leg. I kinda flinched and he laughed . All silly me couls do was smile at him. He was really good lookimg but I kept telling myself not to be such a girl.. The stupid one that falls for a stranger just cos he is attractive...


The next morning I woke and couldmvaguely remember the room, the problem was that it wasn't my own room. In a panick I looked down at my body and saw I was wearing only my underwear. I was in such a state of shcock I juat jumped up , got my clothes on and ran out of the apartment.

Long story short : I was waiting for my very special first kiss and had first kiss AND first sexual experiemce in one night! Best of all: I couldn't remember a thing!!! I had been bitching about this to poor Caitlin for about two weeks about how it wasn't special and now I'm just one of those girls , just another statistic!! She was watching tv during one of these rants and she started laughing...

When I asked what's so funny , she pointed at the tv and asked if that was the guy ibpve been talking about. I looked atnit and saw Harry. I nodded in shock as I realised who he was .

Caitlins comment kept rimging in my ears saying : "How many "statistics can say they lost their virginity and their first kiss to Harry Styles?"



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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