Judy Parker is twenty-two.she is a medical student.judy is intelligent and very pretty with a good sense of humor.she is a nice woman.Her boyfriend's name is sam watson.sam is twenty-seven.he works in a bank as assistant manager.he is good looking,but he is not very nice man.judy loves sam very much.sam loves money,cars,good food,whisky,travel and beautiful woman.judy is worried.she doesn't know where sam is.the bank manager doesn'nt know where sam is,either.he is very worried,too.samis in brazil,in a small town on the coast near rio de jeneiro,with 50.000 pounds of the bank's money.he is sitting in a bar near the beach,drinking a large martini and writing a letter to judy.well,iam in brazil.it's very warm here,and the sea Is nice for swimming.the women here are very beautiful,and please come and stay with me in brazil.can u take the 13:25 flight from london to rio on april 14th? I'll meet you at the airport.all my love,sam.judy is at home.(she lives in a small flat near the bank.it's not ver nice.)she's in the living room,drinking a cup of coffee and thinking.judy's very worried,because she doesn't know what to do.she loves sam,and she doesn't want to tell police where he is.but she doesn't want to go to rio,either.she wants a quiet life.judy goes to the window and looks out.there's a police car in the streat.two big policemen are walking towards her house.- hello is that croxton 43122? Dr wagner? Listen,dr wagner,this is judy...yes,judy parker.listen,i'm in very bad trouble with sam,and the bank,and the police.i haven't got to explain...yes,ok.please come to my house at once with your car.as fast as you can it's really urgent...23 carlton road.turn right at the station and it's the second street on your left.please hurry! Oh,and come to the back door.dr. Wagner and judy are on their way to the airport in dr wagner's car.there is another car behind them,with a pretty blue lamp on top. Dr wagner accelerates,and the police car disappears.dr wagner:but what's the problem,judy? Judy:i can't explain.it's too comlicated.dr wagner:i know what it is.it is that sam.i don't like him at all.he's a very dishonest young man.judy:sam is my boyfriend,and i love him.he has sensitive eyes and beautiful hands.dr wagner:oh... Judy:single to rio de janeiro,please.dr wagner:first class or tourist? Judy:oh,tourist please.judy checks in and goes through ًpassport control to the departure gate.on the plane,she finds a seat by the window.a young man comes and sits down by her.judy looks at him.he is tall and dark,about 25,and very well dressed.judy is not interested in him.he is dark brown eyes,a straight nose,a wide hamorous mouth,and strong brown hands with long sensitive fingers.he is incredibly handsome.judy looks out of the window.the young man:excuse me.would you like a drink?judy:oh,er,yes.thank you very much.a whisky,please.the young man gave judy her drink and smiled at her.he had an incredibly attractive smile.he realy looked very nice:calm,friendly and kind.perhaps he's a doctor,'she thought a surgeon, with those strong sensitive hands.or perhaps an artis,or a musician.'yes he looked like an artist,or a musician.'yes,he looked like an artist.she looked at him again and smiled.the hijacker:uwhat time it,please? Judy:two thirty-five.the young man:thank you.he smiled at her.she smiled back at him.he smiled again.heu took a gun out of his pocket,stood up,and walked to the front of the plane.the hijacker:good afternoon.this is your hijacker speaking.we are flyingat 550 miles per hour at ahight of 29,000 feet.in approximately one and a half hours we will be over the north of scotland.i wish you a pleasant flight.judy's head was going round and round.first sam,then the police,and now the hijacker.where would it all end? Life was really much too complicated.she drank her whisky.it didn't make any difference.she looked out of the window.the sky was full of big dark clouds.so was her head.some time later the plane started going down.the pilot's door opened,and the hijacker came out,still holding his gun.he walked up to her and smiled.hijacker:you know,you really extremely beautiful.come and put on your parachute.judy fainted.judy opend her eyes.the sun was shining,and a cool wind was blowing on her face.she felt very light and happy.judy:where am i?the hijacker:100 feet above loch ness.can you swim?judy fainted again.when she opened her eyes,she was lying on the bank o the loch,with her head on her parachute.the hijacker:allow me to. Introduce myse