My Sexy Guardian

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There I was in the dark forest, the trees turning into ash from the fire. I layed there in the center of it all, looking up as the fire angrily burned on. I felt the tears coming from my eyes and I could no longer hold them back. Was this all there was. My guardian Atreyu told me that my mother had perished in the fire. It was because of the war against the fairies. My mother had just assigned Atreyu to be my guardian yesterday. It doesn't seem possible that she could be gone the next day. I had been angry at her. I hated Atreyu, he was most definitely a sarcastic bastard. He must have lied. My mother could not be dead, not when I hadn't told her I loved her before she left. I needed to feed, I needed blood. But I couldn't move, I was frozen on the spot waiting for the fire to reach me. I most definitely deserved death after the words I had said to my mother. I told her I hated her for making Atreyu my guardian. She had said that it was for the best and that he was one of the best guardians ever and that I would learn to love him. I could still hear her voice in my head like she was still here with me.   "Jasmyn" I heard my name spoken far away. Well really someone kept yelling my name. It was annoying. I could sense a faerie guard making it's way towards me yet I still didn't move. It was a young girl probably the same age as me. She had hot pink hair and reddish skin. But unmistakingly bright blue eyes. she giggled as she peered into my sad heart broken eyes.   "do you want to kill me?" I asked her in a cold and distant voice. One could only hope it was quick and unlike my mothers probably was. She laughed a high pitched squeak. I knew she did. Of course she did. I was born of Royalty, My mother was queen of all vampires. I was next in line. The faerie nodded her head bringing me back to the present.   "Of course I have dreamed of the day when I could kill you princess Jasmyn oh what pleasure this gives me. I promise to be quick and unlike your mothers." This got my attention. I stood up quickly pushing her off of me.   "you killed my mother!" I yelled, fury plain in my eyes. Whenever a vampire has great strong emotions, there eyes go bloodshot red and our pupils dilate like a cats would. The faerie wiped the smile off of her face and brushed off the fallen debris off her clothing.   "I did not. however I seen who did it."  The only thing going through my mind at the time was revenge. I needed to kill whoever had killed my mother, no I needed to kill them all. I jumped on top of the nasty creature and snapped her neck at lightening quick speed. she was dead. enough talking. I started walking toward a whole line of more faeries coming straight at me. I walked toward them going to meet them half way but was yanked back by a strong force.   "don't you dare do that princess Jasmyn"  I should have known it was Atreyu. He was very tall and muscular, sexy even. almost like a greek god if there were such a thing.   "let me go Atreyu I have to do this!" I screamed.  "no that is what warriors are for princess we must get back to the palace before any harm can be done to you and we must finish the ritual before your corination, princess." I rolled my eyes but walked back with him. it was a long walk and we had to get back before sunset.     Basically the ritual of assigning a guardian was blood and blood. I would basically turn Atreyu into a Vampire so that he may have the strength and speed to protect me best. I could also use him as my own personal blood bank. Because we could only get blood from turned vampires or humans. Not that I wanted to put my mouth on anything Atreyu. eww. I'm sixteen and am far too young to be coronated but with my mother dying that puts me on the spot. And with my father still missing there is most definitely no one here to run the kingdom. Just me unfortunately. "Atreyu I am much too tired to go much furthur I haven't even fed today. Wendy was out sick." I complained. Wendy was my blood slave until i could get assigned a guardian. My mother had once told me that a guardian when turned into a vampire, that there blood is orgasmic. I know it's a weird conversation coming from your own mother.   "Okay I will carry you" I started to protest but I was already cradled in his arms groaning in frustration. Why couldn't we just stop for a couple minutes so I could catch my breath. See what I mean this is why I hate him he does things so impulsively it gets on my freaking nerves. He chuckled a deep soothing sound. and the the darkness covered me.

I woke up in my own bed back in the castle that sits about five hundred stories right in the middle of the kingdom. the floors are extreamley soft for protection in case someone were to fall out of bed like one of the babies or something. I was born a vampire. Don't ask me how it would be too difficult to explain. I first met Atreyu when I was seven years old. I was in the garden smelling all the flowers and trying to decide which ones to pick for my mom, when Atreyu came up from behind me and grabbed me and I screamed and kicked him in the place where the sun don't shine. Never in my life had I seen someone huddled over so quickly. Atreyu was thirteen at the time and had been one of my biggest bullies to come. He was always jumping out of things and doing everything he could to scare me. I absolutely hated his guts and nothing has changed so far. I just know that I absolutely don't want to do this stupid ritual at all.   I just miss my mom so much and wish I had at least told her I loved her before she had died.   The phone on my bed side table started ringing the song if your gone by Rob Thomas.   "hello?" 

"Hey Bitch you up and dressed?" It was Ameriley one of my absolute best friends. I call her Amer for short.   "sure" I say sarcastically.  

"Oh come on girl Atreyu is a sexy beast just think of all of fun you could have with that man."

I rolled my eyes towards her inappropriet comment.   "eww Amer you know he is like twenty two right"

  "Age is just a number Jas would you lighten up a bit I'm coming to your rescue" I groaned. She is absolutely evil.

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