Sing the Sorrow

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You sigh as you come home from school. The bullies have bullied you again, and you can't take it anymore. You go to your room and shut your door locking it behind you. You grab your razors and pill bottle. You chug down the last 37 pills of medicine you have and instantly feel awful. Hoping for relief you stab 4 doses of heroin. Things seem to get better. You find the note you wrote for your parents and your 5-year-old brother. You clutch the note in you hand and put on your favorite song. You pull out the small tokens you set aside for your best friends. They helped, but not enough. Then you grab your razors. Cutting at your arms, you cut at the last string of life. You cut one last time. You lie on your bed, drowsy as you look at your ceiling. You close your eyes, and drift into an eternal sleep. When you don't show up for dinner, your mom comes up to get you, figuring you are texting again.

Your mom opens the door. She stands there. Then the tears start to fall down her face. Her baby is gone. She walks over to your bed. She falls to her knees and puts her head in her hands. Her tears can't stop. She puts her head on your bed sheets, lightly soaked in blood, and cries even harder. Your dad sees you through your door. The rage inside him starts. He leaves the house, and never comes back. Your mom cries harder. Your father is gone, and now so are you. She runs downstairs weeping harder by the minute. Then, your brother walks in on you, wondering why mom was crying downstairs. He comes to your bedside. He thinks you are just sleeping. He sees your cuts on your arms. He goes into the bathroom and grabs his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle band-aids and placed them over your cuts. He notices the note in your hand. He grabs it, kisses your forehead, says goodnight, and leaves. He gives the note to your mother. She reads it, and cries harder.

It's ten years later. Your funeral is long over, but your mom has never forgotten. Your brother, now a teenager, understands what happened to you. He struggles with depression, along with your mom. Your brother is now a cutter, tracing in your footsteps, hoping to be able to see you again. He is homeschooled. The times he did go to school, he was bullied by the same people that bullied you. After your brother left the school, the bullies started thinking about what they've done. They hurt themselves now knowing that they have killed a person. Your best friend wants to take her life because she misses you. They all walk in silence through the halls on your birthday. No one will ever forget you. Everyone cared. So before you cut, swallow, insert, tie, before you do anything, remember everyone cares.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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