Every Little Thing He Said

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Happiness is paradoxical, it gives you hope and joy, but it makes you oblivious to the worst that's yet to come. It makes you feel like your on top of the world, but when it runs out you tumble to the earth below. Happiness blinds you, makes you forget, like a temporary amnesia that makes you forget about all your little problems and worries. 
It's like the helium in a balloon, it floats gracefully in the air in all its glory and after a while it deflates, becoming a depressed, used object.

His words, able to put a goofy, idiotic smile on my face, a sentence able to make my day. The day he told me he felt the same way, I was elated, over-the-moon, ecstatic, joyful, excited , you know all that happy stuff.   He later asked me to be his girlfriend, the embarrassing thing was that *cough* I was on the toilet. Okay, okay after you've finished laughing I'll continue on with the overly dramatic story ( I swear I'm not emo. ) 

Now with that said I must inform you I have a case of depression, he had helped me numb the pain for a while, but it was short lived. I wish I never cut my skin, never had suicidal thoughts, never broke down. If I could turn back time I'd never glance at the scissors, the scissors that took me and cut me up into pieces.

My heart is like paper, every thing that hurt me like matches, it only took the burn of harsh words to set my heart alight, burning my heart to crisps. I wish that his words could save me, save me from my own destruction, my own fears and hurt. My heart is beating really fast right now he said, mine is too I replied, but what he didn't know is that it was also beating fast from the fear of falling apart.

Now tell me, how do I cope with him not talking to me? And with that I am reminded  that I can only truly rely on myself. Friends will come and go, families will start to fall apart, relationships will disintegrate but you, you will always be there. Your friends will help you, so will your family and so will your relationships. Nothing lasts forever so we should make the most of it before it does run out.

I like you, and I'm freaking out about it

You don't even need makeup

Your face model worthy

You're the only person I trust

If your soul had a song it would be what makes you beautiful because you don't know your beautiful

Please don't go to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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