Supernatural Fanfic

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So one day Sam and Dean were chillin in the hood smokin the joint. When all of the sudden the doctor popped out of the coffin and said "hello haow ajykl?" Then he died. Dean then fell asleep, he woke up in a new bugatti with sam next to him. Sam said dean we are brothers but i have been thinking maybe we should do the do. Dea n bit his lip and said I want to ride you like an impala.

Sam then ripped of his shorts and turned on his shirt and said "uin" and dean orgasmed. then sam said wow that was fun, he unripped his shorts and turned off his shirts. Dean said huin huin huin. thgey drove to the next place and then everyone died the end.the doctor came out and saif "o tokd hwuahsda" then sherlock came out and said in his alien lagnuage " за съжаление, всички те събудих в нови автомобили" the end forenver goodn9ight


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