Chapter one: Dinner time

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Steven: "I'm always home alone, my dad is busy, all the gems are always on missions, my friends work, and my mom well you know I can't totally hang out with her. Anyway I wanna do something other than stay home and eat donuts all day. I just need to talk to the gems that's all. I have an idea, I'll make dinner tonight. That will set the perfect time to ask."
After 20 minutes of cooking the gems come back
Steven: "Garnet,Pearl,Amethyst!"
Steven runs to give them a hug
Amethyst: "mmmm it smells good in hear, what's cooking?"
Steven: "I made spaghetti and meat balls for you guys."
Garnet and Amethyst: "thank you Steven."
Pearl: " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! You could have got burnt, you could have fallen into the pot like last time or worse."
Pearl: "but thank you anyway"
Steven: "your welcome, ok I need to talk to you guys."
Garnet: "about what Steven?"
Steven: "I really want to come on missions with you guys."
Pearl: Steven you can't
Garnet and pearl agree
Steven: " please you guys need to let me !"
Gems: NO, we don't need you getting hurt."
Garnet: " Steven go to your room!"
Steven stomps up to his room. Devastated that he can't come with the gems. He hates being alone at home.
Steven: "I wish I could talk to you in person mom."

(Authors note) this is my first chapter hope it's very interesting to you leave a comment if you like

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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