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Hey, guys! I am so happy to present to everyone my new story. I hope everyone likes it and finds it interesting. This is my first book (I've tried to write others but I always stay stuck around the third chapter or so), so please if you see I give out too many details or my writing is very basic, just know I'm Hispanic so my second language is English and I don't really write a lot, although I wish I did.

Anyways, have fun reading and let me know whatever you think about it!



Diary: October 6th, 2012.
Fifteenth Entry

I am Melanie,
Melanie Martinez.
Being beautiful is something
everyone seems to crave.

I am everyone,
I crave beauty.
Maybe I'll be more recognized;
Maybe I'll be more loved.

I look in the mirror.
I see nothing.
I look in the mirror.
I see emptiness.

For what others is money,
For me is beauty.
I am greedy for beauty.
Yet, what I want, I can't get.

Nothing will change my mind.
I lack beauty.
Not even 101 reasons,
Will change my mind.


Melanie's P.O.V

Books. I'm surrounded by books, by hundreds of pages that contain misteries, love stories, tales and even adventures. This is my safe heaven, wouldn't trade it for anything else in this world. This was mostly how I spent all my afternoons while at school, and I didn't care. Timothy and Pia accompany every once in a while and I can say that it feels nice and entertaining to be here sometimes with them.

Today was... different. I couldn't concentrate while reading. I could only think about my physique... and for no apparent reason. I remember waking up, looking in the mirror and feeling... unpleasant by what I was seeing.

It was a bit surprising to find myself in a position like that, but I guess it was just a matter of time for life to catch up to me. I'm a teenager, there's always a time where we, youngsters, feel like how we look is not good enough.

That's why I wrote in my journal a poem. Instead of reading, I simply retrieved my journal from my backpack and started to write. I wasn't really thinking the words, but rather my fingers and wrist were writing them by their own will as if they already knew what I subconsciously thought. By the time I finished the poem, I remained silent, analyzing every single word.

After seventeen years, I've finally admitted to myself how I really feel when I look in the mirror.

Why was I even surprised earlier? This was what I thought all along about myself but wouldn't dare to admit.

Lost in thought, I feel some fingers messing up my hair. When I looked up, I saw Timothy smiling at me. I just looked at him, without smiling or showing any other type of emotion.

"Hey, Mel", he sat by my side, "anything you would like to tell me today?"

"Hey, Timothy", I faced him, "I do have something to tell you", I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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