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It is soup, Junhui concludes as he looks at the bowl in front of him. It's nothing new. It's almost the only thing he's been eating lately and he's about to be very tired of it.

Sighing to himself lightly, he takes the spoon and dips it into the warm soup. Glancing at the younger boy by his side as he takes the first slurp, he can't help but feel a bit bad for him.

Minghao doesn't really like soup, yet he's been serving it for his older friend so often now, that he's probably used to the watery consistency by now. He used to complain about how it was just water with some kind of taste. These days he cooks and makes it himself - just for Junhui, he always says and sends him a wink.

Minghao doesn't speak as they eat, hence why it's completely silent apart from the continuing slurping sounds between them.

Junhui's proud of himself once his bowl is empty. He didn't choke at all while eating.


This is the hardest part of starting a new school year. The thought flies through his head, as he approaches the door to his classroom.

His heart is beating fast and hard in his chest. Trying hard to look somewhat cool, he forces his hands to stop shaking, taking a deep breath in the meantime.

He's nervous and he hates it.

Minghao had looked at him worriedly, asking if he would be okay. They had tried their hardest to get into the same class, but for some reason, it hadn't worked. They had been placed in two different classes. It clearly worried Minghao more than it did Junhui.

He was going to be okay, he told himself.

Finally entering the classroom after what seems like a very long walk down the corridor. Once in the room, he sighs relieved, realizing that there's only him and some other boy in there. Deciding that it's best for him to keep low - considering his not perfect Korean and how hard it is talking lately - he chooses to sit down by the table in the far end of the room.


Looking around the classroom silently, Junhui observes his new classmates. Since he entered the room, all the seats have been taking, but somehow the seat next to him is still free.

Once again observing the boys filling the classroom, he can't help but feel relieved that he's not the only one who seems out of place. All over the room there's boys glancing at each other silently. There are also some of the social ones, who are already talking to each other as if they've known each other their whole life. He somehow misses Minghao.

"Hello," someone says suddenly, pulling Junhui out of his train of thoughts.

Turning around, he notices the boy who's now sitting next to him. When did he arrive? How long had Junhui just stared into nothing, without noticing the other at all?

"I'm Wonwoo," the boy says, holding his hand out for the other to shake in a handshake.

Looking at the boy - Wonwoo - Junhui can't help but be surprised by the deep tone of his voice. It sounds warm and deep, as if someone could drown in it any minute. The boy has such sharp features and dark, enchanting eyes. The longer Junhui stares at him the harder it gets for him to look away.

Shaking his head lightly, Junhui pulls himself out of the beginning trance.

It takes a couple of seconds of more staring, before the Chinese boy pulls himself together and shakes the other boy's hand. Feeling a lump in his throat, he does his best not to stutter. His heart is beating hard in his chest, as he hopes for himself not to mess up the seemingly easy words.

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