Writing Request Part 1!

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I lie down on the green grass, swishing my tail. I curl my tail over my small kit. "Mommy!" she squeals. "I'm not one moon old anymore; you don't have to act like I'm still small." 

Ah, she doesn't know how young she is. My small kit is growing up so fast! "Fishkit, why don't you head back to camp and play with Goldkit and Waterkit?" I ask. 

"Okay!" she nods, bounding away, following the stream back to the RiverClan camp. Suddenly, she stops and turns around, gazing into my blue eyes. "Longstream?" she asks, cocking her head to one side. 

"Yes?" I reply. 

"I wanted to ask you if you'd catch a fish for me when you return back to camp." I smile at her affectionately. 

"Of course." I rest my head back down while she pads away. StarClan, am I tired. All I want is to take a nap, but the Clan might be worried about me. Minnows swim in the water, flailing their small tails. If I catch a few, maybe Fishkit and I can share some. That's not a bad idea. I heave myself to my paws, and gaze out into the water. That one minnow isn't swimming about, so it'll be an easy catch. I reach my paws down into the water,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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