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Since you were little, you've always loved ice skating. Everything about it, the feelings you show as you skate, the freedom you feel as you do, And to think from where you began...
You we're holding hands with your grandpa as you were still a little girl with a [Color] sweater and black skirt, black leggings and [color] boots. [A\N = and more warm clothes if you want to add, just change it to something else if you don't like the outfit choice :) ]

" [Name] ? Do you want to ice skate by the frozen lake?" Your grandpa smiled warmly as he looked down at you.

Your little eyes widened and sparkled with excitement,
" Yes! Yes Popsie! I want to ice skate!." you smiled excitedly at your grandpa.
" Aaahaha!, I knew it. Good thing I brought our ice skates." He got the ice skates with you then he put them on you first before he put on his, you already stepped on ice without waiting for your grandpa.
"[Name]! , Be careful! You might slip!." Your grandpa called out to your younger self.
" Don't worry Popsie!! I've got it!— ooof—." You slipped.
" Ayy, [Name] , I told you to be careful." Your grandpa chuckled while skating to help you up.
" No ! I can do it!." You stood up , gaining your balance and started gliding across ice again, "Wheeeeee!! Look Popsie! I can do it myself!." You giggled.
" My granddaughter grew up so fast.." Your grandpa proudly smiled at you as you we're skating on ice.
From where you are now,

Your chosen song played in the background as you we're gracefully gliding across ice,
"Come on, I have to win.. This is for my Popsie."
As you we're about to do your final step, which was
Quad Axel jump, you slipped.

You slipped. On the finals, you s l i p p e d.

You bit your lip at what you have just done and quickly stood like nothing happened

" Damn it. " you muttered under your breath, you still smiled
then continued gliding for a bit and took the final pose as the music was finished.

[Rival Name] was smirking at you amongst the other female single skaters. You saw her, she stared at you mockingly, you glared at her.

But deep inside, You felt humiliated, Sad even, you're coach was basically rubbing his temples by now.

You quickly slid to the exit as your performance ended.
You removed your ice skates as you we're looking frustrated.

" Damn it..Damn it..Damn it! .....why screw up today?!? All this hard work for...nothing? Come on [Name]!."  You thought as your fists clenched in your frustration, tears start to well up your eyes, but you held it back.

~ time skip ~

As you were waiting for your score, you were nervous as hell.

There was no hope anymore, after that humiliating fall.
Sure that was ONE mistake on your performance but still , you weren't aiming for mediocrity, you wanted to win so badly, you wanted everything perfect, it didn't seem to end like that, but that thought of losing was funny to you, you never lost to your Rival.

Then you saw your score....
" Oh no, oh no no no no no...." You muttered beside your coach.

It was simply unacceptable. You've lost to her.

You wanted to have a breakdown, right now, right there.
But no, she deserves it. And You didn't this time. You accepted your fate, even if it hurts.

By the time you knew it, it was over for you, for your dream.
Over for ice skating.

You gave up.

You were never going to skate ever again.  forget everything.

You'll just restart. Live your life like a normal girl , helping your old grandpa.

It won't be that bad wouldn't?.

Expect the unexpected [Name].

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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