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 My name is Grace Jackell i am 16 years old, an only child, and im in the 10th grade. I'm at the edge on top of a building right now. Helicopters shining there light on me. Multiple police cars in the street. A big crowd of people have form at the bottom. Don't do it they say, but they don't know what i've done. The voices are telling me to kill myself because i killed everyone that has ever gave a shit about me. And you know what there right, it seems like there always right. I outstrech my arms i haven't jumped yet, but the wind already felt so good blowing through my hair. I let a few tears escape my eyes as i started thinking back on how this all started.

Flash back:

It was Friday and i was getting ready for school like i do everyday, i take my shower, put on my clothes, and eat a bowl of cereal. "Have a nice day at school honey" yelled my mom getting into her car. "I will" i yelled out the window. She pulled out of the drive way and waved out the car window. I looked at the clock it was 7:15 am, i didn’t have to go to school for another 45 minutes, so went to play with my pet dog. heard a knock at the door, i went to open it, it was my best friend Alex. I've known her since the 3rd grade. She is short girl about 5'4 an a half, brown skin, a pear type body, with medium length black hair. "Hey girl sorry for not callin first, but i was thinkin i could give you a ride to school since you always walk" said Alex. "Aww that’s nice of you, but you do know school don’t start for another 40 minutes" i said. "Yeah i know" she said while getting a poptart from on top of the fridge. We both sat down and watched Spongebob to past the time. Twenty minutes later we decided it was time to go to school and we left my house.

We got to school 5 minutes before the first bell rings. Some people were heading to class, others stayed and talked to there friends. "Bye Alex i'll see you at lunch", me and Alex didn’t have any classes together until 4th block so i only get to see her at lunch. "Alright girl see you then... oh tell your little boy toy i said hey" she said laughing. I laughed "ok", then went to my first block English. "Alright class pop quiz" said Mr. Luis. The whole class groaned, "yeah yeah i know y'all don’t like it, but it will help you guys in the long run" said Mr. Louis. The class was quiet, i looked around everyone seem confused except for the smartest girl in the class, i could see her speeding through the questions. "Damn shes was in the front of the class well forget about me cheating" i thought. I went back to the quiz, then i seen a rat by a guys foot. i screamed and said "OH MY GOD THERE’S A BIG ASS RAT BY YOUR FOOT!!". All the girls screamed and jumped on their desk, the guys was looking to see where it was. Mr. Luis searched the whole class then looked angrily at me "there’s no rat, everyone get back on your seats and Grace for disturbing the class you have detention today and a zero on the quiz". He walked over and wrote a big zero on my paper. "But Mr. Luis i really thought there was a rat" i said. "I don’t wanna hear another word young lady" he said walking to his desk that was at the back of the class. I looked back at the guys foot there was two there that time. I yelled "see its right there". Mr. Louis looked mad "there’s nothing there Grace and now you have two days of detention". "WHAT THE HELL MAN!" i yelled. "You want to go to three keep talking" he said. "ugh.. no sir". I turned back looked around and the whole class was looking at me. I looked back at the guys foot the rat wasn’t there and i thought to myself "i know i seen a rat there".

2nd block went by kinda quick nothing weird had happened. It was time for lunch and i met up with Alex in the hall as she was walking to the lunch room. "Hey girl wassup" she said. "oh nothin but i seen something weird in 1st block" i said. We got to our lunch table and sat down. "What you see?" she said. "I seen a rat well at least i think i did" i said. "You did shit i ain’t bout to go to Mr. Luis then" she said. "Well Mr. Luis said there was no rat and everyone in the class said there was no rat...so i guess i was just imagining it. Oh and i got fuckin detention to for two days" i said. "what why?!" said Alex. "Because i disturbed the class when i yelled there’s a big ass rat" i said laughing. "Haha you yelled that you crazy" she said laughing. The lunch bell rang and we both went to our 3rd block class. Then 4th block came along it was fun me and Alex was in the back of the class talking the whole time.

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