Early Life

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The twins were a new hope. Evanna hoped that they would stop the constant fighting between the Vampires and the Vampanese. Mr. Tiny was furious that his daughter had found a way around what he wanted. Hoping to cause trouble again, Mr. Tiny altered time drastically so that the twins would be born before Darren and Steve. He reset most of the minds of the people involved with the exception of Gannen and Vancha. However, this didn't work as planned due to news of Evanna's pregnancy spreading like wildfire. An uneasy peace settled over the Vampires and Vampanese. When the twins were born, Gannen could hardly contain his excitement and Vancha simply didn't.

"I AM OFFICIALLY A DAD!!!" Vancha yelled. The dark haired twin screamed at him. The two girls had peculiar traits but that was to be expected. The louder of the two, whose name would be Zanna (Zee-anna), had dark hair with a single blonde streak. The girls dark brown eyes were closed as she screamed at Vancha.

"I think she's telling you to shut up." Gannen chuckled a bit. His smile faded as he looked at the other girl. Her hair was pale white with blood red streaks running through it. What concerned him was the fact that this child hadn't moved or made a sound since being born. He could, however, hear the girl's heart beat when he was making sure she was alive less than a minute ago, and he was able to see her breathing.

"Aria will be alright, Gannen." Evanna assured the vampanese leaning over his daughter. Zanna flopped over onto her sister, causing Aria to squeak and finally open her eyes. Aria glared at Zanna with her blood red eyes that she clearly inherited from Gannen.

The girls grew rapidly and their minds developed even faster. It wasn't long before Aria was reading novels Gannen brought while Zanna was running after Vancha and generally getting into mischief. Evanna often complained that Gannen and Vancha acted more like playmates than fathers. Evanna often brought them to visit her brother, Mr. Tall at the Cirque du Freak. Mr. Tall was well known for calmly knowing how to handle any situation so seeing him uncertain of how to handle the girls was a rare treat for everyone.

"Hello!!" A certain short meddler, Mr. Tiny, said happily as he came to visit the girls when they looked about five years old. Zanna scrunched up her nose, immediately not liking the little man while Aria looked at him indifferently from her mother's side.

"Hello, father." Evanna greeted nervously. Zanna threw a knife at Mr. Tiny. He grinned at her.

"Spirited little one, isn't she?" Mr. Tiny laughed and went to grab Zanna, but a piercing pain stopped him. Aria's death glare tipped off the little man that she was the source of the pain. He couldn't move. Zanna laughed and threw a knife at him again. Only that this time it hit it's mark. Desmond Tiny's head. Aria watched him go still silently while Evanna wasn't sure wether to be relieved that he was dead or horrified that her daughters had killed someone while they were so young.

"DAD!!!" Zanna yelled lightheartedly. "I BROKE GRANDPA."

"Wha—" Vancha asked as he came in with Gannen not far behind. They both stared. Evanna finally snapped out of it and shooed the girls to their fathers.

"Go!" Evanna snapped. "I'll take care of this. Keep the girls out of trouble."

"And Vancha." Gannen muttered as Zanna and Vancha ran off to do gods knows what. Mr. Tiny's death was unexpected and few if any mourned. The girls grew with no interference from the little man in the yellow raincoat.

Zanna grew up to be just as wild as Vancha but more modernly clothed. Her magic she inherited from her mother made her arguably more dangerous even though she hardly used it. Aria was a bit more like her other two parents with a natural gift for all thing magical and bits of Gannen and Evanna's personalities. They had frequent visits to Mr. Tall and the Cirque. They'd made visits to Vampire Mountain for the council along with Gannen and sometimes Vancha. Gannen had become somewhat of an ambassador for the Vampanese and was the only one allowed into Vampire Mountain. Then the time came for them to finally meet Darren and Steve.

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