Chapter 1

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The Earth had been a lot of trouble lately. And quite frankly, it still is. Monsters keep appearing from out of nowhere. S-class heroes keep them at bay, but the lower A, B, and C-class heroes are still not given real challenges. Not that they care. If a C-class hero were to fight against a real monster, then he would have quite the challenge to face. But in the world of heroes anything is possible. For a hero with incredible power that can't be matched by anyone. A hero who doesn't do it for the glory or the fame. No, this hero does it because it's his hobby. He does it for fun. This hero is: Saitama, or the Caped Baldy.

But we all know him as: One Punch Man.

Saitama walked through the crowded streets of City-Z, the wind blowing against his bald head, his cape flapping through the wind. The hero had to admit, even after the attack of Lord Boros and his alien crew, he still felt bored. There was absolutely nothing to do. He had taken out all of the monsters that appeared in the city, but he still felt empty inside. Kind of what he always feels like. Perhaps it's irony? H wanted to become the strongest hero, a hero who beats villains with just one punch. He got his wish after his intense training schedule... but in the end, was it all worth it?

He had a disciple—one he accidently took as a disciple, but still; it was nice having him around. Genos had his own reasons for wanting to become stronger. Saitama truly wondered what would happen if Genos and the cyborg that destroyed his home-town would finally face each other. He had a feeling Genos would unleash every bit of his power, to an extent that could probably turn out to be his eventual death. Sure he was rebuilt every time he had taken a good beating, but what if he couldn't be fixed anymore? What would become of him?

Saitama sighed as he walked past several people, none of them recognizing who he is. He paid them little attention. He was used to it, after all. All the S-class heroes have their own fan club, fangirls, and lots and lots of money. What did he have? A crappy apartment which he can barely pay the rent for. But he wasn't complaining. No, he liked his crappy apartment.

The memories flooded back into his mind. His way to become the strongest hero. The many friends he made and the many monsters he defeated. It started with a few punches. But they became lesser and lesser until he finally defeated a monster with just one punch. His enthusiasm could not be described at that moment. Those three years of training finally payed off!

But now? Well... he just didn't care anymore.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Huh?" Saitama said as he looked around him, trying to find the source of the voice who just asked him something.

"Down here."

Saitama looked down, only to see a little girl stand in front of him. "Oh." he said.

"Could you tell me where I can find the local supermarket?"

"Of course. I'm heading there too. It's that-.

Saitama's reply was cut off when the ground underneath him started shaking. The little girl that stood in front of him tripped, but grabbed hold of Saitama's legs, preventing her from hitting the ground as she looked up at the B-class hero in shock. Saitama just had a blank expression on his face as he watched the ground crack underneath them. Taking two steps backwards while in the process swooping the girl up and putting her on his shoulders, he watched as the entire ground cracked wide open, revealing a giant gaping hole. Saitama walked towards the hole, placing the girl on the ground. The girl quickly ran away, thanking the hero. Saitama looked down the hole with sight curiosity.

"I wonder how deep it goes," he muttered, considering he should check it out for himself, or just move on. Then, out of the hole, emerged a humongous worm. The worm opened its mouth, revealing several layers of whirling sharp teeth. The worm looked down at the bald human in front of him, chuckling grimly.

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