Bonded Forever To You, My Love

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Dedicated Olga_GOA

Bonded Forever to You, My Love

Marriage is the only thing which makes two people bond together for eternity. Marriage should be done by heart; in our hearts we should accept them as the husband/ wife. Lucenzo was not able to believe that finally he could marry his lady love, Francesca. Lucenzo and Francesca made sure their wedding would be perfect. So they decided that their wedding would be in a chapel. The chapel was decorated with varieties of flowers with the theme of lavender color.

Lucenzo was standing at the alter waiting for his bride to come. Their love for each other was so deep. Lucenzo waited so long to find a perfect lady. We must love an imperfect person perfectly. Relationship without hurdles isn't a relationship. How we overcome the situation and the way we feel for that person doesn't change no matter what; that's love. Lucenzo was happy that he could feel connected to his bride.Finally, the day has come for them to get tied together forever.

Lucenzo was impatient to see his bride. He wore a black tuxedo and was damn nervous about the whole marriage ceremony. He prayed to all the Gods above to make this event a grand success. In his mind, he thanked Veronica, his brother Milano's love interest.

Veronica's dream was to be a Fashion designer. When Milano and Veronica had a heated argument about opening a boutique, Lucenzo understood his brother's intention. Milano cared for Nike and his unborn child more than he would ever admit.

Lucenzo couldn't fathom Nike's character.She was the sweetest person he ever met, but only Milano could bring out the worst side in every person. But Nike was an exception to Milano. Nike was the light and angel to his brother. After Nike entered Milano's life, Lucenzo could sense something changed in Milano's cold heart. Lucenzo only wanted Milano to see what a great person he has got and love Nike back. Nike deserves a better person than Milano, but Milano would be lost in darkness if it was not for Nike. He was glad that God had given a precious gift to Milano through Nike. He would be always grateful for that.

Lucenzo's love for his brother was beyond explanation. He was happy that Nike could also see that in Milano and not try to change him. Milano was with Lucenzo even after all the cruel things that happened to him. Milano took care of his little brother, gave him everything in his life. As a brother, Milano was there for Lucenzo when he was in need. Lucenzo had a special affection to his brother. He would do anything for his brother. He wanted Milano to be his best man.

When Lucenzo heard all the argument and was tired of it, to make sure his sister in law would be healthy, since she carried his brother's heir, Lucenzo gave an opportunity to design the dress for the marriage. That made Nike to be on cloud nine. Milano got angry about Lucenzo's decision. Lucenzo ensured that Nike would manage everything. Milano just had to trust that she would take care of herself and the child. Lucenzo knew that if Nike was happy, that would bring happiness to his thickhead brother, Milano.

Lucenzo never thought Nike would be gifted in fashion designing. It was perfect. The suit fit him like a second skin. It showed every muscle. He wanted his wife to be proud of his body. He worked vigorously to have a perfect physique for his bride. That brought a wicked smile. He couldn't wait for his wedding night.

When he was day dreaming about the wedding night and in what way he would conquer his lady love, he was disturbed by a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see his brother, Milano. Milano wore a black and white tuxedo designed by Nike. Milano looked really handsome.

He was dying to see his bride's dress. Nike didn't give him a chance to see his bride's dress. But Lucenzo knew that whatever dress Fran wore, it would be perfect. Milano's words made Lucenzo come out of his reverie.

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