Chapter 1

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I stretched out in my cold bed. It was morning and I couldn't believe how little sleep I came to have. I slid out of bed and caught my balance as my feet touched the ice cold floor. I dragged myself to the mirror and gasped at the horrible state I was in. I slouched in such a bad way that I looked like I had broken my back and my face was covered in 'wrinkles' and there were rims under my eyes. Frankly, I looked broken.
I wouldn't look so bad if dad didn't party all night every night and drink for hours on end. He says its to 'put him out of his misery' although I just think it only makes him worse. He usually ignores me and acts like I never existed and I hate him for it. But things weren't always like this between us.
My dad used to be kind and caring and and was a selfless man. I loved him with all my little heart could take and so did my mother. We were all one happy family and fought hard against the cold, dangerous world beyond us. Nothing could possibly tear us apart. Or so I thought.
It was the 27th of March 1997 when my mum went out to collect our monthly payment from the bank. Me and dad were in the house playing a game of chess when we got the information that mum had passed away got to us. I remember seeing mum lying on the cobbled streets, cold as ice. The policemen told us she died from a disease but I thought differently.
After that, dad took so much drugs and alcohol that he acted as if I didn't exist. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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