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Words: 517
Pairing: Jamilton (mentioned)
Category: Fluff, comfort
Characters: Hamilton, Lafayette, Jefferson
Warnings: very, very slight anxiety mention
Time period: anytime
A/N: i hope you guys like this..i have a lot more.
(more at bottom)



"I'm not gay, Lafayette." Alexander furries his brow. Lafayette's curious expression slowly turns into a smirk.

"Alexandeeerrr~" he raises his eyebrows.

"What, I'm not!" Alexander crosses his arms and glares. "Why do you even think that?"

"I have seen the way you act around, eh...what is his name? Jefffff..." The frenchman trails off.

"Thomas?" Alexander's heart skips a beat at the name alone.

"Yes, yes! Thomas! You act very strange around him!" Lafayette beams.

"How??" Alexander throws his arms out. "How in the world do I act "strange" around Jefferson??!"

Just then, Jefferson passes by the two of them. Alexander grows quiet as he examines Jefferson's features. His soft, brown eyes hiding behind a calm but cold exterior, with fluffy hair to match his eyes. A small smile naturally curled onto his face that makes Alexander try to contain one of his own. Jefferson looks over. Was I staring too long? he thinks.

The two of them dip their heads slightly to each other with a smile as a greeting. Alexander watches him leave with affection in his eyes.

As soon as Jefferson is out of earshot, Lafayette has a fiery excitement in his eyes, a smile to match. "So it is true!!!" He exclaims, excitement coming off of the frenchman in waves. "You like him, don't you!?"

"W-What?! No!!!"

"Alexander, I know the way somebody looks at another when they are in love. Oh, your face is as red as wine! You had the biggest smile on your face!"

"I do not!" Alexander almost shouts, but stops himself. His face is growing hot, but his head is spinning with anxiety.

"Nobody likes a liar, Alexander!"

"B-But I—" Alexander's chest grows tight. No, no, no.

"It must be!!" Lafayette declares. "You certainly have the biggest crush on....Alexander?"

Alexander's teary eyes are full of pure terror, stopping Lafayette's excitement dead in its tracks. "P-Please don't tell him....or anyone...." His voice dies in his throat.

"Oh, Alexander," Lafayette grows more gentle. "Do not cry." He walks to Alexander, the two sharing a tight hug, the frenchman shushing him when he starts sobbing.

"I-I'm so sorry, it's—" Alexander takes a deep breath. "Nobody was supposed to know about this, but now you know, a-and I planned on telling you soon enough's just so t-terrifying...."

Lafayette feels guilt rush through his blood. "Alex," he uses Alexander's nickname, something he doesn't use very often. "I—I am so sorry...I did not mean to upset you....everything will be alright." Lafayette gently squeezes Alexander, remorse glistening in his eyes. "Do not cry, please.."

Alexander smiles. Despite being quite prideful at times, Lafayette could be the biggest sweetheart when he wanted to. And that's what makes him one of his best friends. "So..?" He questions.

"Nobody needs to know." Lafayette promises.


( A/N: see what i did there ;) )

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