Forever and Always

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A/N: This is my first story here on Watt pad, so I hope you guys like it so far! I would really appreciate your guys thought/opinions on my story. BTW my best friend is helping me with this!!!


"THANK YOU SYDNEY!" I shouted through my green bedazzled microphone with 'Wendy' bedazzled on it in blue.

"YOU ALL HAVE BEEN SO AMAZING TONIGHT!" Ariel shouted through her pink bedazzled microphone with her name bedazzled in gray.

"WE LOVE YOU INFINITES!" Andy screamed into her purple microphone with her name in silver sparkles.

"BYEEE!!" We all shouted into our mics and ran off stage. We were immediately greeted by our families, friends, and the head of our label, Mr. Simon Cowell.

"Ladies, you did amazing. Like always, and I have some pretty good news for you girls. So go get cleaned up and we'll head out to McDonalds and we'll talk. You girls must be starving." Simon announced. We all giggled and agreed, running to our dressing room. Our stylist, Travis already in there.

"LADIES Y'ALL DID AMAZING! YOU WERE FANTABULOUS DARLINGS!" He exclaimed, giving us all big hugs. He gave us more comfortable outfits, and left the room so we could change. As we were changing, Ariel started conversation.

"So what do you think Simon wants to talk to us about?" She asked.

"I don't know. It could really be about anything." I thought.

"Well we just have to wait, but hurry up girls I'm really in the mood for some chicken nuggets, french fries, and a vanilla milk shake with no cherry and whipped cream." Andy said almost drooling at the thought of food. We looked at her weirdly. "WHAATTT?" She whined. Me and Ari just rolled our eyes, laughed and left the room.

At McDonalds

"So girl's, I'm sure you're curious to why I called you here today I have rather big news!" Simon explained taking a bite out of his big mac.

"What's up Uncle Si?" I asked taking a sip of my chocolate chip frappe.

"There is a high demand for you girls around the world; you have worldwide Infinites, they have been asking for you girls to tour the world!"

"Where is this leading to Uncle Si?!" Ariel asks curiously.

His answer made Andy, who loves to eat, stop eating which is very unusual.

"You’re touring with.........One Direction!!"

Holy. Shit.


*FLASHBACK* (a year ago)

"I'm in love with you. And all your little things..." Me, Ariel and Andy faded out. I was playing the guitar.

"That sounded great you guys!" Our boss exclaimed. We work at FYO Music Store; and on breaks, we like to goof around with all the instruments. I usually play them, and the other girls sing. "Oh and there is someone up front who would like to see you girls!" He announced walking out of the break room. We nodded. I put the guitar down and walked out of the room with the girls.

We got to the front of the store, and standing there was one of the most well-known names in the music industry. The one and only Mr. Simon Cowell.

"Ah. Hello girls. I'm Simon Cowell." He said giving us a small smile. We just smiled back, still in shock, and shook his hand.

Ariel being the responsible one that she is introduced us. "Hey. I'm Ariel. This is Wendy and Andrea" She said pointing to us. Andy then elbows Ari. One thing you should know; you NEVER call Andy Andrea. I learned that the hard way. "But she prefers to be called Andy" Ari added in quickly.

"Nice to meet you girls. Now, judging by the looks on your faces, you're all confused as to why I am here today. Well, to sum it up, your boss here" he started pointing towards our boss, "emailed me a video of you three singing in the break room. And I'm very impressed. You are all VERY talented." Simon explained to us. We just nodded. "And I would like to sign you to my record label" He finished.

All of our jaws fell to the ground. Was he serious? OHMYGOD!! We all just nodded and he smiled.


Hey I'm Wendy Jane Clifford! I just turned 18 on January 1st. The cool thing is, I was born on midnight New Year’s Day. It’s pretty cool. Anyways, I am a musical geek. I can play almost every instrument, my main ones being the guitar and saxophone. I'm 100% Aussie <3 I am obsessed with Peter Pan. If you don't like Peter Pan, we cannot be friends. I also love softball and soccer, but I haven't had time to play lately. Boo :( I love long boarding. It’s my main mode of transportation ;) I have a brother named Michael. He is also in a band with his best mates. But we're better. ;) I'm the co-writer of the group. I help Ariel with the writing, and I write the music. I'm also the tom-boy of the group. Adios Brochachos!!

Heyy there I'm Andrea Rose Hood but please call me Andy or D. My birthday is October 31, I am 18, yes that is Halloween I am completely aware of that and you don't have to remind me every time you see me.  Anyway, I play volleyball anytime i can an i long board practically any where i go. I play the guitar, drums and the boards. In my opinion I am an excellent dancer and a wonderful singer. I have small gages, big angel wings tattooed on my back and little tattoos on a lot of places on le body. I L-O-V-E Marvel so much I go to Comicons and dress up as any character. My friends think I'm a control freak but I disagree. I have an older brother named Calum; he is also in a band with three of his friends. I also choreograph the dance routines for our back up dancers. I am labeled as the 'scene' girl of the group. BTW I am single *wink wink* buh bye my little voodoo dolls!!  

Hey y'all I’m Ariel Diane Hemming, my birthday is February 14, I am also 18 and yes its Valentines I'm so lucky!! Well I am a cheerleader I am the flyer gal. I play guitar, and the piano, video game geek all the way baby!!!! I'm a surfer; i love the water I could practically live in water. I only have one small tattoo and I love it!!! I'm considered the mum and the girly girl of the group and I don't mind that at all 'cause it’s true, I am the most responsible compared to Wendy and Andy. I am also the main song writer of the group it’s my passion. I have a brother his name is Luke and he is also in a band with his mates that he's known for a long time. My BGFF is Kaide. BGFF is short for best gay friend forever. Well that's all so goodbye my dears!!  

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