I. Words

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Over a course of five months my life changed completely, I wish I could say for the better or that I didn't make any mistakes but I can't. I made so many wrong turns these last five months, I should've seen what was unfolding before my eyes, I should've known someone that seems perfect is truly not who they are. I'm barely realizing these factors as I'm sitting with my hands tied, with tape over my mouth so no one can hear my screams of terror, staring at the walls around me. I'm getting ahead of myself, my name is Ava Schuyler, I'm only 15 years old. Let me take you back five months when things were normal in a sense.

Sophomore year, a stage in your high school career where no one cares about you, you become utterly invisible. Well most people turn invisible, it was only a dream of mine to turn invisible, for people to cease the hurtful words only teenagers dare to mutter.

"AVA! Are you even listening to me??" my best friends voice brings me out of my thoughts, I look up to his annoyed stance. His grey eyes giving me an exaggerated eye roll only he could pull of, with my lack of response he runs his hand through his startling blue hair, yes blue. He originally was born with a dark coal colored head of hair, though this suites him, his black hair will forever rest in peace in my mind as my favorite.

"Sorry Ty, I was trying to pay attention I swear, but could you repeat that please?" patience is not Tyler virtue whatsoever, he sighs ever so dramatically.

"I said, do you want to study at my place or yours tonight?" he says this a little less aggressive and sassy as he was fronting moments before.

"Are your parents going to be home today?"

"No it's Friday, they're never home on the weekends, you know that"

"Oh, yeah I forgot it's already Friday, so your place then." he looks slightly relieved at my words, as though weight has been lifted off his chest, his eyes scrunched up as they always did when he was genuinely happy. I was about to return his smile with one of my own when the very reason I hate stepping foot into this hell hole of school that goes by Strickland high. Amber Luna, the essence of the devil herself, with her long ginger hair, her clear complexion, bright teal eyes, she's the definition of a guys fantasy burst out of his head. Heels attached to long legs and a perfect bust, all eyes follow her as she walks down the halls. As usual she's accompanied by her posse, the infamous Nicole Burr, her short blonde hair never exceeding the back of her neck, she too has teal eyes, along with Trisha Reynolds, the ditzy brunette every guys pretty much slept with at this point, though she has eyes as black as Tyler's natural hair. These girls are the bane of my very existence.

"Ava? What are you.." he trails off seeing where my attention has strayed, something he hates, he wants my constant attention which he usually gets until I can no longer focus on him and only my terror of the events I can see about to happen. His eyes widen as he realizes what's about to happen, he puts his arm around my shoulders and leads me away from what seems to be a scene straight out of the Heathers movie. have you ever seen a movie where the popular girls walk down the hall in slow motion? Yeah, well that's what was happening right in front on me, Amber's eyes fell upon mine and they instantly narrowed, she had her target.

"Awh little Ava, what's this? You have your little boyfriend with you, how cute." she laughed with malice and looked at her clique who instantly backed her up.

" He's probably a pity date, like any guy would actually date her." Nicole sneered showing her pearly fangs, I could hear a ring of laughter echo throughout the halls. I could feel Ty stiffen as anger overwhelmed him, he let out an angry sigh and turned around. I cut him off before he could say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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