A Fire In My Eye

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Every place I went, had many different things. Though there was only one thing that never changed. The fire in my eye.

I'm Livia, I start this story when I'm 10 years old. I lived with my Grandmother. That's it. The day I was born, I was given a curse. If I was born a second later, maybe I wouldn't have gone through such an adventure. From that second I was born, I lost things I wish I could have to live with a smile, and not fear for the future.

Though I'm proud to be where I am today. My mother was so brave that she sacrificed her life for me. She was told an hour before I was born that when I was born, my mother would die. Also if I was born from my mother I would have a curse. But if I went the right way, I could survive. My mother never wanted to leave. I mean, think about all the fun things a child does with her mother... you play games together. You make things together. All those beautiful family memories. My mother knew she could not have those things, and I would never see her, but she still agreed. Some where inside of her, she had a feeling I would live for a long time. Now my father had left my mother a long time ago. So the only other person who could take care of me, was my grandmother. Everybody found out about the curse that was given. Though my curse was something that scared everyone.

In my eye, lived a fire. Which everybody could see. That fire was also my life. When it got out I was no longer part of the world. No one had the slightest idea about when it would go out. The fire in my eye was something everybody could see. It was that light in my eye glowing.

One day I left for school. When I came back home, my grandmother was gone. I wondered where she was, so I asked a lot of people. Everybody's answer was the same, "I don't know". I finally decided that she probably went to the store. So I went home and did my homework. Night came she wasn't home. For a lot of nights, it was like that, no one home. I went to my aunt's house and stayed there. Though I went everyday to check if she is back. Everyday same story, over and over again. Where are you? I thought every single time I used to find nothing. I grew up like that. Thinking same things, searching for you, having hope you were out there. I came to the age of 16. I was a young adult. My aunt moved. I was left alone. When one day, I found my father!

My father said that he could not take care of me, so he took me to his father's friend's son. That man was pretty much older than my father. I told him about my life, but he started to leave the sympathy for me, after I told him about my curse. He thought that he would be in trouble if I was with him. So he dropped me at a mall. I looked and walked around wondering about what I'm going to do. I asked people for help, but no. They all think I would spoil there lives. Soon I started to feel dizzy. I walked in circles, almost falling. Slowly I fell in.

I opened my eyes gently. I felt a hot towel on my head. The water felt so good, I felt like I was in a blanket. I felt something soft. It was a blanket! I looked up. I was under a wood ceiling, on a bed, surrounded by candles. I sat up, and smelled the beautiful fragrance of the candles. Finally, I looked around. I was in a dark room. With candles. A huge comfy bed was right under me. I tried to look farther but it was dark in the room. I looked straight and there was a window. I slowly walked to the window and opened the curtains. It was dark. Is there a watch in this room or something? I questioned myself as I looked around. I somehow managed to find a switch for the light and I also found the door. I stared at the doorknob. I was scared to open it. I didn't even know where I was! Trying to be confident, I opened the door, while I could hear my heart beat heavily. I saw a long hallway. With many doors in it. I walked slowly, tip toeing. I was afraid, was something going to come out to me? While I walked to the very last door, I heard a door open behind me. "Please, I was just discovering a way out of here! Please don't hurt me!" I shouted as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately turned around. I gasped.

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