Meeting in the Hallway

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I do not own Harry Potter! The wonderful J.K.Rowling does and I am jealous of her for that lmao. The only thing in this one-shot I own is Briah the character I came up with. 

This is just a little one-shot from a dream I had and so once I woke up I wrote as many details down as I could remember lol which wasn't much but it gave me this idea.This is the last year of Hogwarts for most of the characters of course. Also there will probably be swearing and maybe sexual situations so if your younger then 18 I don't recommend this story for you.

I was rushing around a corner on my way to class when I bumped into someone and was knocked down. I hear someone laughing above me and stare up into a handsome Slytherin's eyes. "Well are you going to stand there laughing all day or help a girl up?" As I ask this his face changes to disgust and he scowls at me.

"I will not touch a filthy little mudblood like you!" Then he turns to walk away, but I get up and turn him around. There's a hard slapping noise in the corridor as my hand meets his cheek and his eyes get big as he realizes I just slapped him.

"You will not ever call me that disgusting thing ever again! I am a muggleborn and proud of it, do you understand me Draco Malfoy? If you ever forget and do so again, a slap on the cheek isn't all your going to get!" I say as I look down to his privates and stomp my booted foot at him.

His eyes widen and he stutters and apology as he turns to walk quickly down the hall.

I stand there smiling to myself in triumph. Well guess I took care of him. To bad he's such an ass, he's really cute.

Later on that day I'm sitting outside with a large group of friends when I hear someone say, "Eeew a mudblood!" I look up to see pug-face, Draco, and a few more Slytherins. They are however not looking at me but at Hermione. I shake my head when I see her tear up. After all these years she should stand up to them instead of run away crying like she just did. Ron and Harry and even a few other people yell at the Slytherins. I however go find Hermione. Soon Ron, Harry, and Ginny catch up and we find Hermione in the library crying quietly in the back.

"Don't pay attention to them 'Mione." Ron says as he hugs her. Harry pats her shoulder and Ginny looks on sympathetically. I shake my head and snort which causes them all to look at me questioningly including Hermione. I push Ron and Harry away so I can place my hands on Hermiones shoulders and pull her up off the floor. She helps me get her standing and once she is I look her in the eyes.

"You are going to either have to stand up to the stuck up childish Slytherins or pretend like it doesn't bother you. If you do the later then Malfoy will get bored and once the Prince stops so will the others." I look pointedly at the other three in here with us. "You all have to ignore it also because you guys trying to come to blows with him only makes him want to do it more. Its what he wants. To rile Harry and Ron up." They all nod their heads and agree and we spend a little while in the library with Hermione.

The next morning finds me at my house table in the dinning hall with the Gryffindor eating breakfast.... or in my case trying to. First Malfoy stopped by on his way to his table and of course what did he do??? Well he called Hermione a mudblood. What did we all do? Well exactly like I suggested. He ended up walking off to his table dejectedly.

The other reason I couldn't eat was because well... every time I try to take a bite Ron stuffs his mouth full and chews with it open. To be honest it's made me scoot my plate back in disgust at this point. I look over at Harry and see it doesn't bother him, or Ginny for that matter because she's to busy staring at Harry.

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