north Korea

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Donald, Donald, donald, oh look what you've done you started bomb threats from north Korea. Not only that but now they have created a new engine that can fly straight to America to kill all of us. But No that's not all it can support the weight of full on nook. So what do we do we stand on live television and tell them "it was very bad!" I don't know about you guys but I've already bought my plane ticket to Tuscany "addio" . Donald needs to realize that his petty actions could kill the entire county. But don't take it from me just look at the facts all of us could die depending on what kind of a bomb this is and were not even building fallout shelters and the ones we already have arnt fully stoked on food and water plus those are just a few of the necessitates and not a lot of people live next to them so let's just say you were shopping when a bomb hit dead even if you did survive the bomb would take out all of you food all of your recorces and all of your shelter so you would have to stay in the shelter for all of your life and once you ran out of that well we'll be stuck to asking our dear old friend canada for help cause god knows we haven't bugged them enough. So then we'll be living of of canada for probably 3 year until Italy tells canada "yo why da hell you helping America you know there using you!" Thanks Italy now Canada's gonna quit and and run away crying faster than Jenny in the first season of gossip girl.
XOXO canada and congagalations we are all dead!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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