His Irish Beauty

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We were walking to the party. It was dark and what Cathy and I wanted more than anything was to get to the top of this hill. The party was at an old abandoned mansion on the top of Manchester Peak. A rich family used to live their 20 some odd years ago. The mother wore strings of pearls and always looked presentable though she never really came out of the house. The father was a severe alcoholic who never really left his room, much less the house. Their son, Henry, was a genius who was brilliantly mad and not in the good way. The last Manchester was a girl. Her name was Eliza and she was the normal one while she was alive. We never really new what happened to her, all we know is that her parents loved her and her brother was insanely jealous. She died three years before they did.
Everybody's fantasy as a child was to go into the Manchester Mansion. It was described as a painting on a canvas from the inside. I guess that's why everybody wanted to in. From the outside it looked like a creepy old house sitting on the edge of a cliff. The most popular thing to do was to dare somebody to go and touch the flowers. It was the only thing that gave life to house, we barely even knew their were people living there. But every now and then if you looked close while the sun was setting you could see the silhouette of a woman's body. Every day we watched that house. We didn't stop until we heard the rest died. After that rumors went around that the son had killed his parents before killing himself.
Cathy and I were walking up to the mansion. This is the first time we had ever been this close. It was kind of like a childhood fantasy coming true in a way. I was wearing green zebra print leggings with hot pink leg warmers and a loose fitting crop top shirt that said "Kiss me i'm Irish". Cathy was wearing pink leggings and a green tee that had a leprechaun on it. We were booth wearing our hair in side pony tails with scrunchies. Her scrunchy was pink complimenting her blond hair, while mine was green making my dark red hair look more vibrant.
We arrived at the house a few minutes later. We knocked on the door and our very attractive friend Joshua opened the door.
"Thank goodness you're here," he said opening the door wider and shooing us in.
"We did tell you we would help you, right Jennifer," Cathy said elbowing me in the side.
"Um... yeah," I said pulling myself away from admiring the architecture.
"Well, let's get to work," Joshua said, " Hey Jen can you help me get some decoration from the closet down the hall."
"Sure," I said following him as he walked down the hall. Cathy just scoffed and walked off in the other direction. The farther away we got from her the more he seemed to relax. The closet was huge on the inside. Saint Patrick's Day decorations lined the walls. We walked out carrying decorations.
"I can't believe I decided to have a party here. I mean it's just so creepy. I know my family owns the land and all but did this place really have to be the only place available," he said breaking the awkward silence.
"I don't think it's that bad. I mean i've always wandered what it looked like in here," I said.
"Yeah I guess you're right," He responded. We did the rest of our work in silence only conversing if we needed to. We were going back for our last trip when we heard a voice.
"Hello my Jen," said the silky british voice.
"Joshua, did you say that?" I ask looking over at him. He just shook his head back and forth, looking as pale as a ghost.
"Oh my dear Jen you don't understand do you?" the voice said again.
"Wh-what do you want," I stuttered.
"I just simply want to marry you." Slowly a figure started to appear, just foggy at first but then the figure became clear. Standing before us was a tall man. He had short messy, brown hair, and green eyes. He wore glasses and a singular cross necklace draped around his neck. I heard a scream from behind me, I turned around and saw Cathy with a knife plunged into her stomach. Blood was dripping onto the floor as she fell to her knees. Joshua and I ran to her side trying to comfort her while she died. We knew there was no way to get to our phones in time, especially with this ghost watching over us. We held her as she died, watching the life slip from her eyes. I screamed once she fell limp. She wasn't always the best friend but she was the only person who actually cared about me. I heard chuckling from behind me. I spun around so fast I almost lost my balance.
"L-Leave us alone," I yelled, my voice echoing down the hall. I heard a grunt beside me right before Joshua hit the ground. I looked over. He was dead, there was no doubt about it. A dull kitchen knife had struck his heart. His body already seemed to be paling, even though it had already been a couple of minutes. I feel to my knees, not being able to comprehend the loss of my two closest friends. I felt a cold breeze on my back right before two cold hands landed on my neck. I looked glanced down a bit and noticed I was in a gorgeous white wedding dress. It looked straight from the 40's. It felt the air start to leave my lungs. I was dying.
"Happy saint Patrick's day my Irish beauty" He said while I slipped out of consciousness.
After Jen, Joshua and Cathy's friends arrived at the mansion they discovered their bodies. The police could never figure out what happened. No one knew. The case was dropped five years after the event.
Down in the underworld Henry and Jen were happily married. He had made her just as crazy as he was. No they just sat down in the depths of Hell waiting for Eliza to join them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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