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        "It didn't have to be this way! I didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve any of this! Why did I have to die? I wasn't ready yet; it wasn't my time. And now they're all dead and it's my fault!"

                        *Three months earlier *

     Genevieve Summers eyes snap open as her alarm blares, signaling the start of another day. But it wasn't just an ordinary day. It was Friday night in Dillon, Indiana and that meant one thing. Football. There wasn't much to do in Dillon besides driving around aimlessly, eating at the diner, and having lots of... well less than PG relationships. But one thing they did have was football.

      As head cheerleader for the Timberwolves, Genevieve, (just Gen to her friends) was just as beloved as one of the players. Gen was loved and worshiped by her peers and even her town. She had it all. Beauty, brains, power, popularity, and Lucas Willows. Lucas was the star quarterback of the Dillon Timberwolves. He was the guy all the girls wanted. Rumor had it a girl would sell her soul just for one night with Lucas. But he only had eyes for Gen. The two had started dating when they were only Freshman. Three years later, they were still going strong as Seniors in their second to last semester at Dillon High School. They were the definition of a small town it couple. Everyone either wanted to be them or envied them to death. All the locals loved to gossip about what colleges they would go to, when they would get married, where the wedding would be, and what their children would look like. They had everything going for them. Gen couldn't wait to start her life with him after graduation. No matter what she knew that she could always count on Lucas.

     Gen yawned and reached over to silence her alarm. Her phone screen lit up with a good morning text from Lucas.

*Good morning Genevieve. I can't wait to see you cheer tonight (; You're my good luck charm. I love you so much! <3*

     Gen smiled and typed out a quick reply before getting up to shower. After a quick shower, Gen dressed in her blue and yellow cheer uniform, and pulled her long brown hair into a high pony tail. Once downstairs, she greeted her younger brother Dustin, who was sitting at the breakfast table stirring around a bowl of cheerios.

"Wow, five star breakfast you've prepared here dad," Gen tells her father as he sips his coffee.

"Genevieve, for the last time I am doing the best I can. I know it's been tough since your mother moved out but you are not making it any easier." He tells her with annoyance.

"Yeah dad, sorry you're right. Sometimes my mouth just gets the best of me. But i've gotta run, cheer meeting before class. Later Dust," she says as she kisses her brother on the head.

"Find me at school if you need anything today okay?" Dustin just nods his head in agreement.

     Sighing, Gen heads to her car and slides into the drivers seat. No matter what she did, she  couldn't get her little brother to speak more than four words. Since the divorce he had been distant, removed, and depressed. She had caught him with pot more than twice, but promised to keep it from their father. If it was he needed to cope temporarily, then so be it. The divorce hadn't been easy on Gen either. She was constantly playing mediator between her father and her mother on top of balancing cheer, work, and school. Gen was still angry at her mother. She couldn't understand why she would cheat on their father and leave her family to fend for themselves. She was still ignoring her mother's texts and it had been months since they had filed. Blocking out the thoughts in her head, Gen turned up some Florida Georgia Line and headed for school.

  "OH MY GOD GENNNN!" Gen could recognize the high pitched voice of her bestie anywhere.

"Oh my god LEXIIII!" Gen yelled back as enthusiastically as she could muster after her morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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