Death Date

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It was another busy day at the Shinigami building. William was engrossed in his paperwork. Suddenly he noticed a familiar flash of red pass through the doorway. He half expected for the crimson haired reaper to greet him with her usual deameaner. However the only sound in his office was the clock ticking. Surprised, he raised his head, still expecting to see Grell standing above him, despite the improbability of her entering his office without making a sound. Curious, he stood up to peer through the doorway. He caught a glimpse of Grell before slowly entering her office, perhaps it was only his imagination but Grell seemed to be frowning. He ignored the thought, convincing himself he need not bother with Grell and disappeared into his own office. Despite his best efforts, he could not help but feel that something was missing. His mind wouldn't focus on the paperwork in front of him, rather it kept drifting towards elsewhere. He couldn't concentrate. This was so unlike him. He rubbed his temples and sighed deeply.

"It's either this or working overtime." He thought to himself. With that in mind he directed his energy towards the papers in front of him.

Suddenly, he heard the door slowly open. Ronald peered through the doorway and announced his arrival with a loud "Hello!"

"Is something the matter Knox?" William asked without raising his head from the paperwork.

"I wanted to ask of you wanted to have lunch with me and Grell."

At the mention of the name Grell, William's eyes darted to Ronald. His mind once again flooded with thoughts about the reaper's strange behavior. He had an image of Grell's frowning face flash through his head. Though he questioned whether it was just his imagination.

"William?" The young reaper looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

William snapped from his trance.


"You never answered my question"

"Oh...Well, if you insist, I'll join you."

"Great, get your coat and let's go."

William sorted out his paperwork and placed it neatly in his drawer. He had to make sure everything was in order. This seemed to annoy Ronald who was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Hurry up!"

Ronlad scolded him as William was putting on his coat. They left for Grell's office. William knocked on the door before opening it.

"Sutcliffe." He called out to catch the attention of the reaper.

"Couldn't resist coming to see me, eh Will?" The reaper batted her eyelashes, however William could detect a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Let's go you two I'm hungry!" The reaper who Grell hadn't noticed up until this moment, screamed out.

"Sorry Ronnie." Grell apologized as she grabbed her red coat, and they all headed towards the restaurant.

During lunch Grell was unusually quiet, unlike Ronald who was eager to share news of his date yesterday.

"Grell?" Ronald asked.

"Him?" Grell looked as if her thoughts were drifting off elsewhere.

"You okay?" Ronald's face showed a look of concern.

"Of course." Grell flashed a fake smile. "But would you mind getting me a cherry soda?"

Ronald politely agreed and ran off. Grell sighed of relief almost as if she told him off to avoid his questions. But that didn't go unnoticed by William.

"Sutcliffe." He questioned. "Is something the matter?"

"How gentlemanly of you to care Will! Though I can assure you I'm alright."
The reaper once again flashed a fake smile.

Something was up. William was sure of it. He had to get to the bottom of this, but before he could ask another question, Ronald showed up with the soda in hand.

"Hey Grell, I got you your soda."

"Thanks Ronnie."

William looked like he wanted to punch Ronlad in the face.

The rest of lunch went on smoothly. Once lunch ended, Ronald went straight back to his office. Grell however waited for William as he got dressed, as she had a question.

"Will darling could I have the rest of the day off?" She inquired.

On a normal day, he would have declined, however today was different. He almost felt sorry for the reaper, as whatever was bothering her was serious.


"Wait you're actually agreeing to let me skip work?" This was the only time he saw a look of true emotion on her face today.

"Go before I change my mind!" He yelled, but he needn't tell Grell twice as she had already walked out on the street.

Since William was determined to find out what's been bothering her, he decided to follow her. This was so unlike him, however what shocked him the most was not that he was willing to skip work but rather ferlings of compassion and sympathy towards the red haired reaper.

He followed her from a safe distance, lurking in the shadows as he did not want to be seen. He watched her walk into a florist's. He could see her buying a bouquet of red roses through the glass. A feeling of jealousy came over him.

"Is she seeing someone" He thought to himself. "Hmpf, not that I care." He brushed it off.

He followed her and was shocked to see her destination.

The cemetery.

Grell walked through the gate, mud splashing on her heels, but she didn't seem to notice. She walked over to a gravestone. She laid the roses on top of it and stood there staring at the name.

"Grell Sutcliffe, xxxx
beloved friend and daughter."

She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. Her heart started racing as she was completely off guard in this situation. But her fears vanished when she looked up to see William.

"How did you get he-"

"I'm sorry." William cut her off before she could finish the sentence.

"For following me or the fact that I died."

"Both I suppose."

Grell chuckled at his answer. She rested her head on his shoulder, and while she expected William to push her away, he actually smiled. They stood there like that for hours and watched the sun go down.

"Thank you for being here." Grell said.

"I'll always be here if you need me."



Wassup! This is mine and PopcornForCats's first fanfic. Just so you know me and her are going to write fanfics together and we'll be posting fanfics on both accounts.

Pls like and comment!

See ya!!!

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