The Mansion

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The huge door swung open after I tapped on it three times with the heavy brass door-knocker. A gust of wind slapped my face as the door squeaked open. I could hear deep moaning coming from within the depths of the mansion after I entered. A sudden dread filled my body and I turned to leave, but a fresh blast of wind caused the door to bang shut, leaving me in absolute darkness. It was as if I had fallen into a black hole; a void with no hope of escaping. I rushed back towards where I guessed the door to be to try and open it; I could not find any sign of the doorknob.

As I searched, my hands brushing the rough surface, I felt a chill go down my spine; it was the feeling of being watched. I stopped what I was doing and spun around, but no one was there. I continued my examination of the door, but gave in to the fact that the knob had rusted off a long time ago. I once again turned around, and searched for a light switch. I did not find one, but instead found a candle holder nearby, and was relieved when I found a box of matches in my top left pocket. I lit the candle and lifted it above my head so that it revealed the room in its entirety.

Boards were nailed over the windows from the outside, so there was no way for me to escape through there. I continued examining the house, and once again heard the deep moaning resonating throughout the house. I turned my head to the side and lifted up my candle, only to see a body of armor leaning against the wall, holding a sword facing downward. I held my candle to the left and saw another, this one, however, missing one of its legs, no other weapon visible. I continued examining the various bodies of armor, all seemingly missing something, be it an arm or a leg, or maybe even the head. The only one being complete was the one with the sword. I thought this odd, but shrugged it off. It was probably nothing. My paranoia was getting to me.

I continued walking forward despite the smell, and was greeted by the sight of a young woman's body. A scream built up in my throat, but I swallowed my fears and rushed to her side, and felt for her pulse. It was there, but it was very faint, if I waited any longer it might stop altogether. I examined her further, thanking the Lord that I was knowledgeable in first aid, and found a deep cut across her back, looking as if it had been made by a blade. I removed her t-shirt, and began cleaning the wound, using my jacket to stem the oozing blood from the wound. I heard a creaking sound once again, but did not allow it to distract me, and carried on treating the woman. Once I had finished bandaging the wound with my t-shirt, which I had torn into strips, I lifted up my candle and went to open the door. Before I could carry the woman out, I felt something cold touch the back of my neck. I stopped trying to get up, and slowly turned my head to look behind me.

The last thing I saw was the suit of armor, sword aloft, before I felt the cold steel piercing my flesh. Everything went black and I succumbed to the darkness...

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