Major Characters
Actor: Marius Yo
Character Name: Nate
Ranger: Red
Power: Spirit of Flame
Abilities: Light a fire with one finger, Super speed, Strength.
Fist Punch: Releases a flame dragon from his fists.
Bio/ Personality: Quiet and serious. Always focus on training. Read a lot. Has a part time job at Virtual space center. Has a childhood friend name, Clarissa who he lost contact with.
Weapons: A double bladed sword, and flame blaster
Zord Animal: Gorilla
Actress: Bailee Madison
Character Name: Carly
Ranger: Yellow
Power: Spirit of Hope
Abilities: Telekinesis
Bio/ Personality: She was raise from a rich family and doesn't have many friends until she met Amy who she become close friend with and considers Amy as her own sister. She's a happy and a timid person. Has a crush on Stephen.
Weapons: Sword Daggers (two separate sword, but can combine to one sword
Zord Animal: Moth
Power Rangers Spiritual Fighters
FanfictionNon-Adaption Series: Five Civilian are chosen to be a Spiritual Fighters to defend Earth from being invade by a Darkness Earthbound Immortal King, Zagan.