The First Satan

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??? POV

It's been so long since I've been alive, well, I'm not really dead either, history tells of my demise at the hands of those I thought were allies, friends even, about how I was betrayed. I'm not sure if anything I've done still exists anymore, but that is soon to change, my time has nearly come again.

3rd POV

Rias sat in her home in the underworld freshening up on her knowledge of the underworld's governing body for the time she eventually takes that place herself. She flipped the pages and one caught her eye, it was from even farther back than she knew about 'The first Satan' she said reading it aloud and she began to examine it. It spoke of when there weren't four devil rulers, just one, they didn't go by names like Leviathan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus, just Satan. It spoke of him having unmatched cruelty and unparalleled strength, how he ruled the underworld with an iron fist and a legend of him fighting more than 1000 archangels and coming out of it without a scratch. It amazed the crimson haired girl 'How have I never heard of him?' she thought putting it down and going to find her brother. she found him sitting on his throne

"Brother, I have some questions for you" Rias said as Sirzechs had his usual look on his face

"What is it?"

"Who is this 'Satan' that I've read about?" and he looked a bit surprised

"I was hoping that you wouldn't find out about him" and he stood up "He was the original ruler of the underworld, it's where the four great Satan's got their name from, he was the most powerful devil of all time, he had only one rival, God himself" and Rias stood next to her brother

"If he was that powerful, why isn't he still alive?"

"He never died, the four that he considered his most trusted allies sealed his soul in a crystal and buried his body at the bottom of an ocean, to far down to reach by normal means" he said and let out a long sigh

"But someone recently stole that crystal"

"Do you think they mean to revive this Satan?"

"Without a doubt"

Meanwhile somewhere else

A black armored devil walked down the side of a ship that sat still in the waves, he held the tip of his sword in the water and he growled

"It is here" he said and two more devils came down next to him all of them looked like no devil before them, each were immensely powerful in their own rights. One came around the corner and it held a massive spear that was stained red

"The crews been dealt with" he said and the first devil nodded. Two stood up on the upper deck, one held a sword and shield while the others hands were made of fire

"You three stay up here" the black one said they all nodded and the one with a sword leaned up against the railing. The three then jumped into the water and swam downwards. The darkness enveloped them and the only indication that they kept going were their red eyes and other lights on them. They passed landed on the bottom and walked up to the edge of a giant cliff that went straight into pure blackness

"Are you sure it is here?" the mostly black one said looking over the edge

"I am certain" the black armored one said and held up a small box. He opened it and within it was a dark red pyramid, he took it out and held it over the edge with the point pointing straight down. It glowed red for a brief second before a red line came out of it and went into the dark. It shot for a few seconds before the crystal lost it's color and the devil threw it to the side and they looked over the edge

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