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He stood there telling me stories, trying to get me to remember.

I couldn't.

He told me things that happened before I was in the accident, he knew it all.

He told me everything but the day I got into the accident.

I didn't know why. He had a sad look in his eye, no matter when he smiled, his eyes were still watering, but tears never left them.

"I hope you're let out soon. I want to take you home and help you remember." His voice cracked.

"I guess I should tell you more about yourself, shouldn't I?"

I didn't reply, I just looked at him.

"You're such a big part of my life. You've helped me through so much." He croaked.

"You've always been so supportive of everyone. You're so creative. With style, with lyrics, with cooking. Everything you do, you own it."

His hand shook a little bit.

"You've always had a motherly bone in your body." His voice shook as he said that.

"Let's not get to that." He said, heavily.

"You always said we would make it big. You were right. You never doubted us, Frances. You were always our number one fan."

He moved his hand towards mine, slowly.

"I'm in a band, Green Day. The dudes who came in are my band mates. We're on the charts. People love us.

He has a bit of excitement saying that, he boasted about how his record was doing.

"You inspire me so much, Frances. You're an amazing person. I love you to the ends. I'm so sorry you're here."

He put his head down,  I heard him sniff a bit.

He rubbed his eyes, they were red.

"Sir, she has to take her sleeping medication." A nurse popped in, coming in with the blue pill and the cup of water.

"Are you going to be staying overnight?" She asked as she opened the blue pill, pouring the powder into the water.

"Yes, I am." He softly said.

She handed me the water, waiting for me to swallow.

"Are you family? Strictly family is allowed to stay." She said as I drank the water.

"I'm her husband."

Oblivion ➵ Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now