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"Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each other's face
So much in love, you're alone in this place,
Like there's nobody else in the world"

The lights went off and the music started flowing into the air. Kyungsoo couldn't believe this was happening. After everything they went through, he just couldn't believe it. It was like a dream he had years ago, he used to be 100% sure this couldn't happen, but here they are and it feels like heaven. Jongin's warm arms surrounding perfectly his waist, his arms around the younger's neck touching his pretty tanned skin and caressing it slightly, looking at each other with little drops of happiness in the corner of their eyes and cute proud smiles. Everything was perfect. They were dancing their song, the one that they used to dance after everyone left the training room; hiding their relationship at that time was goddamned hard but in those moments there were just the two of them, without any worries, dancing alone in their little big world. But now, that feeling of constant fear and all the lies they have told are over, right now, they are with the people they love and believed in them, the people that worth it.

Kyungsoo was nervous af, his legs couldn't stop shaking ,his heart felt like it was going to rip his chest and run out of there, his hands were like a waterfall, he giggle to himself because this behavior was familiar to his body ,that's how he felt the first time Jongin kissed him. He remember it like it had just happened a few hours ago, it wasn't like the perfect kiss people write or act in a movie, but it was full of love and shut emotions.

Kyungsoo hadn't had a good day, he woke up with an awful headache, in the meal his food flew like a free spirit out of his hands, he couldn't make the choreography work with his feet and as if it wasn't enough, he stumbled with Chanyeol's leg and fell on his still not healed shoulder. Everyone left but he continued practicing until his legs couldn't take more and lay down on the cool wooden floor, he placed his hands on the back of his head and closed his eyes, but the sound of the door opening made him reopen them and his favorite silhouette appeared, Jongin; He entered the room with a gesture impressed on his face of surprise and confusion.

"W...what are you doing here, Kyungsoo? Are you ok...kay?" -Jongin asked a little bit nervous.

"Oh Jongin-ah~ it's you" -Kyungsoo replied with fake surprise like he didn't know who had just entered the room; his voice a higher note than his original tone.

Jongin started playing with his ear, a habit Kyungsoo has spotted he does when he's nervous. "Yeah, heh, it's me, what are you doing here so late?"-He repeated- "We left a while ago, everyone is already asleep, you should be resting, hyung."

"Same goes for you, Jongin"-Kyungsoo looked up at him with bright tired eyes and tapped the floor with his hand, inviting him to sit together. They both were sitting cross-legged, their bodies facing each other. Their eyes connected and like a gleam, their gaze broke. Kyungsoo pointed his eyes to the right, trying to guess why Jongin was there so late at night.

"So?"- Jongin asked, drawing Kyungsoo's attention from his thoughts.

"So~?" – Kyungsoo repeat, not understanding what Jongin referred.

"Why are you here?"- He questioned for the third time, a giggle left his mouth, he knew how Kyungsoo always spaced out and it was funny seeing him open his eyes to the fullest; he grabbed Kyungsoo's hands and started playing with his fingers.

"Oh right, I was practicing the new choreography, I couldn't figure it out fast enough like the others, so I was working on it"- Kyungsoo finally explained to Jongin with disappointment in his eyes. He felt silly because Jongin is a perfect dancer. He could perceive his stare but didn't return it. The moment Jongin started talking to him, he again rubbed his ear with one hand and his view went right to his other hand with his fingers intertwined with the eldest.

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