doctor who fan fic roll play

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The Doctor stumbles into the TARDIS after Rory, River, and Amy.

"Well, this was sooner than expected," the eleventh Doctor says, clutching at his chest.

"Doctor, what's going on?" Amy asks, visibly concerned.

Rory cuddles her from the side, obviously braced for the worst.

"I'm regenerating," he replies, wincing. "It was a magnificent run. Amy, Rory, you should try to get a normal life going. Rory'll finally stop dying repeatedly. It'll be better for you two."

"go on, it will be fine. i'm sure rory would enjoy not dieing constely" river told them

The Doctor chuckles wryly and Rory looks at his toes for a moment. "I would appreciate staying alive."

"then go on."

Amy smiles, then says, "I'll bet you do. But, Doctor, how're we supposed to go back to a normal life after what we've seen?"

The Doctor winces, half from the regeneration process he's fighting to hold back for a few more seconds and half from the comment. "Very carefully. Try to make light of it. What's the universe without a bit of fun every once and a while?"

"make your own advertes. have the life we can never have."

"Exactly," the Doctor smiles. "You were all magnificent. Goodbye." Golden energy swirls around his face and arms as he stands up straight, exploding from the depths of his being. Once the energy around his face dissipates, a ginger, boyish-featured man stands in his place. He's tall, but not overpoweringly so. His frame has an almost skinny look to it, though there is obviously a legitimate amount of muscle lining his arms and legs.

"New voices... that's always the strangest part..." The voice coming from the Doctor is slightly deeper, but not intimidatingly so.

"Ooh, that's new," he says, examining his new form, "I have pecs."

raiver grinned he was relly going to love his hiar. "it gets better sweite. look in the mioor"

The Doctor smiled at her like a kid opening all of the best presents at Christmastime. "Am I... ginger?" he asked, the smile growing as fast as a newborn puppy on his lips. He ran to the TARDIS's bathroom gleefully awaiting what he'd see. Lo and behold, he was ginger.

"you finnly got your wish”

The Doctor let out a positively unmanly whoop of joy. "I'M GINGER!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He ran back into the control room, gleefully swinging around everyone in the room one at a time, celebrating his long-desired victory.

river lughed at his antics, while it take a bit of getting used to, he was still her doctor. Amy and Rory smiled. Never would they forget the Doctor. Not in a million years. Even if they suffered together in Hell, they'd still remember the adventures and memories they'd shared with the now-ginger Time Lord.

river truned to rory and amy. "well off you go then. we might come and vist you if you like."

Amy smiled. "That would be nice," she said. "C'mon Rory. We've got a lot of work to do. We've got to see about a flat. River, don't forget your poor old mum, alright?" Amy smiled teasingly.


"You'd best not. She'll never forget you," Rory said, smiling. "Please don't forget me either. After all, I am the last centurion." His grin got a little wider, showing his teeth. Turning back to the Doctor, he said, "Thank you... for everything."

"It was no problem, really. You guys were good fun." The Doctor smiled amiably. "Have a good life for me. I'll visit when I can."

river wached as they left.

"They're good... for humans, don't you think?" the Doctor asked, smiling after them, then closing the door of the TARDIS, setting it up to take off. "Whaddaya think? Good restful Paris?" He said "Paris" with a French accent, pulling it into "pair-ee."

river lughed. "but of corse, i'ed follw you any were."

The Doctor's grin widened, revealing his shining white teeth. "Of course. You sure you're not just following me for my body now?" His eyes sparkled in amusement.

river ran hands alnog his arm, she leaned closer to him. "would i ever do that."

"Obviously you would now," the Doctor said teasingly, but as River's expression changed to a more serious glare-like one, continued quickly, "but I'm sure you like my brains, too."

"thats better. now off we go."

“I took the liberty of programming the TARDIS to take us there just a few seconds ago. I just asked to see if you’d approve after the fact,” the Doctor replied, smiling fiendishly.

"and what if i didnt whant to go to paris?"

The Doctor smiled. "I just know your tastes pretty well. It was more of a gamble for me than for you. I just wanted to test my knowledge."

"ahh so your a gambiling man now”

"Hmm... so I am... look at what hanging around with you has done to me," the Doctor joked, then lifted his hands defensively as River started looking hostile

"go get changed. lets see what kinda man you are.”

I get the sneaking suspicion she wants me to strip for her… she is my wife, after all… no, that’s inappropriate, he thought as he made his way to the wardrobe. “Hmmm… That’s cool.” He pulled out a T-shirt which read “Trust me, I’m a doctor” and a pair of sky-blue jeans. “Fantastic,” he remarked, changing out of his old brownish suit.

river woated for him as he changed. hoply he doesnt like fezzes again. she thught to her self. A few minutes later, the Doctor walked out, modelling his new outfit for River. "What do you think?" he asked, twirling slowly.

river slowly cheked him out. thoues jeens showed off his legs, and the t-shirt fit him like a glove. she slowly smileed. "much beeeter."

The Doctor smiled, knowing what she was looking at. his clothes weren't uncomfortably tight, but tight enough to show off his new frame.

"well shall we go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2012 ⏰

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