Chapter 1

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My name is Aria Montgomery and I have had a really weird life. I got kidnapped when I was 17 years old, my high school boyfriend got shot, I was being stalked, my friend 'died', my dad cheated on my mom and a couple years later they got married again. I am 24 years old and I have twins. The twins are named Alex and Alexia and they are two years old. You might ask are they Ezra's? No they aren't they are Jason's. Since they are Jason's my problems got worse not better. I love two diffrent guys, they both proposed to me, I have kids with one and not the other. Enough about me let's get on with the story.


Aria's Point of View

I turn the T.V. off after watching the news. Ezra kissed Nicole on T.V. I replay the kiss in my head over and over again. I know who to chose. I put away dinner I made for Ezra and put everything away. Once everything is away I grab a piece of paper, 'Dear Ezra, Life has been very difficult for the best couple of months. Some things people just like to keep to themselves. I for one am very good at secrets but if they are important enough I tell the people I love. Unlike you let the person you love watch it on Television. I want you to leave Rosewood and if you don't I will. Bye Ezra' I write on the paper. I walk downstairs and out of the brew and to my car. I get in and drive to Jason's house.


I walk to the door and knock. "Who is it?" a little girl says.

"It's me, Aria Montgomery" I answer.

"Daddy, it's Aria" the little girl says.

I hear footsteps towards the door. Jason opens it, "Aria, what are you doing here?" he asks me.

I give him a kiss, "Jason, I should of stayed with you. You are the one I should marry. So yes I will marry you." I tell him.

I interlock fingers with him and we walk inside the house, "I love you Jason. Yes I would love to meet them." I tell him.

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