A Utility of Homeworld

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"You better watch out. I will get you shattered personally if you step out of line!!"

Peacock Topaz was made into a life of endless labour and repetition.

Peacock's POV

My life was found as a boring. You probably don't get it, I should explain. Topazes are built to be a utility to homeworld. See, warp pads are built without gem energy. That's where we come in. Our gem energy is excessive and regenerable. Our energy is manipulated into a charge that can power up these pads. This comes with a cost, of course. We have a meter that we are aware of. If we excel the meter our worth becomes non existent. Also, we poof for 3 hours minimum.
I was into my work and I saw one of the topaz was not at the morning regrouping. He was the 7th strongest out of 9 topazes. Yeah they are pretty hard to create. Well, she was not there, and I liked that one. Her name was blush Topaz. I went to my superior about it. No one seemed to know, so I found myself in a room with White Diamond. I had always believed that we deserved the truth. White Diamond seemed stressed, angry even. She told me that she exceeded her limit. She got angrier and angrier, worse and worse.
"You better watch out. I will get you shattered personally if you step out of line!!"

A Utility of HomeworldWhere stories live. Discover now