Archie Andrews

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I got out of my car and looked up at the big sign reading 'Cross Fit Gym'. I groaned and grabbed my gym bag from the backseat, shutting the door and heading in. I got changed into my gym clothes and left my stuff in a locker, taking my membership card and phone and earphones. I entered the gym to see it was pretty much empty except a couple of guys around my age on the free weights. I rolled my eyes at their obnoxiousness and got onto the treadmill, playing my gym playlist and beginning to run.

A couple minutes later, a ginger haired boy got on the treadmill next to me, beginning to run at a level 1 higher then mine. I knew this game. I'd played it before. I 1-uped mine and he 1 uped his. We carried on like this for a while until we were both sweating like mad. A guy behind us dropped a weight on the floor and as the boy turned around, his foot slipped and he fell down, immediately flying off the machine and straight back into the floor. I burst out laughing and quickly turned my machine off so I didn't do the same. I then hopped off and walked over to him helping him up.

'Are you OK?' I asked, trying to hide my laughter.

'Yeah. The only thing I hurt is my dignity,' he said, smiling. 'Do you go to Riverdale?'

'No. I'm home schooled,' I replied.

'Cool. What's your name?' he asked.

'Y/N. And yourself?'

'I'm Archie. Archie Andrews,' he answered, smirking.

'Well I would wipe that smirk off your face Archie Andrews because I just beat you on the treadmill,' I smirked and he raised his eyebrows.

'I think there is plenty of things I could beat you on,' he replied, stepping closer to me.

'Oh really now,' I retorted.

'Really,' he stepped closer again.

'Well let's hope you don't face plant on all of them then,' I shot back, tapping him lightly on the nose and stalking off towards the cross trainer.


This is my first imagine so don't bully me at how crap it is. Anyways, I am in the process of writing a Bughead fanfiction but I want to write most of that before I publish it so for now I'll just be posting on this.



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