L is for Lies

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I have been 20 years old, an adult for 28 days (4 weeks) now and I haven't really done anything that would mark one as an adult. So I had to think of something that only adults do that go for most adults.

So I had to cross a few things off my brainstorming list because teenagers (young adults) do them too. This being...

X- Driving

X- Working

X- Having sex (I had to stop myself from putting the f-word lol)

X- Having kids

X- Getting married

X- Buying their own place to live

X- Paying taxes

and a lot more crap. So I really had to think, what makes an adult, an adult other than the fact that they have lived life longer and know more about the world (most of the time.)


Adults tell children lies all the time and they are big ones that don't make any sense at all. Lying to children is a tradition!

Like why the fuck does a bunny  steal eggs from a chicken, paint them, and then hides the evidents in my yard (or other places) for young children to find. I don't understand how that even became part of Easter.

Santa, the reverse robber. Why is he breaking in a leavin' stuff? And the whole thing about him living in the North pole with his slave workers. Flyin' around the whole world in one night to give toys. I never really played with toys. I had a few Hot Wheelz but other than that I was all about my Nintendo 64!!

The monsters under the bed. They are gonna eat you. How did anyone make it out of childhood if that one was true? Where's the news reports of this happening? I want some proof. (I was one of the kids that was afraid to use the bathroom in the middle of the night because I thought something would eat me.)

If you tell the truth, you won't get in trouble.

Drinking lots of milk will make you grow big and strong. That one is backed up by science, but if you have short parents, you're not gonna get that tall. Milk is gross cow juice.

Eat your vegetables they will make you big and strong. I had no problem with vegetables, I just didn't like peas and still hate them. Broccoli, I used to (and still kinda do) pretend that they were baby trees and I was a Long Neck (Dinosaur from the Land Before Time Movies. Brachiosaurus) and eat the tops.

So in order to be an adult you have to tell little kids lies, but I want to be original and come up with my own lie to past on. I don't what lie I'm gonna tell yet, but I guarantee the it'll be a good one!

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