O N E | intro

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To Mom

Seven Years ago I lived a normal life.

Of course I was only ten at the time, but it was normal for a kid that age. That day, however, was the least normal day of them all. I wasn't eating, I had a large purple bruise on my neck. I had a high fever, 102.3 I believe. That day, I was rushed to the hospital. I didn't feel hungry, I never did at the time. I remember falling asleep and waking up to my mom rubbing her temples and crying. My older brother, only by a year, sitting down tapping his foot. That day, I learned I had leukemia. A cancer of the blood. I ached everywhere. I was told to start chemotherapy four days later. The doctors told my mom I only had a couple months to live.

Yet here I am now. A seventeen-year-old in his junior year of high school. "The best years of your life" haven't been the best for me. I'm about a year cancer-free. The leukemia has come and gone, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes back. I ran my hands through my hair, deciding whether I go to school or not. Most days I skip, no one cares. People pity me, and I enjoy taking advantage of that.

I decided to go to school, mostly because my older brother, Matt, is making me do so. I yawned of getting up early and going to bed late, even though not many people want to be around a cancerous person. Some stupid thought in a teenager's mind says that cancer is contagious, this is an extreme myth. People have no common sense- if it were contagious would I really be attending school?

I studied my blue eyes and brown hair in my mirror. I didn't like how it was laying today, although it didn't make me look like a child.

Another assumption people make is because of the cancer, I'm not smart. This is highly false, at least I hope so. While during chemo over the years, I have learned to enjoy books. Any type of them.

That was off topic. Oops.

"I wish I got the looks from Mom and Dad," a familiar voice said in the doorway.

"And I wish I had more friends. We even?"

"Whatever. C'mon," he said going down the stairs to the living room. Immediately coming down the stairs he threw a breakfast bar at me, resulting hitting my face. I slowly picked it up from where it fell.

"Forgot," he snickered.

We made our way out to his car. I got in passenger, he went into the front seat.

We drive the rest of the way in most key silence, some small talk here or there. Since going out of the house wasn't an option most of the time, I hung out with most of Matt's friends. They understood me more, I guess you could say.

One boy, with freckles lining his nose and red hair flopping down his face as he ran towards us, engulfed me in a hug.

"Nate! I haven't seen you in forever!" Kyle screamed in excitement.

"I'm pretty sure we saw each other yesterday, if I'm not mistaken."

"Too long for me," he nudged my side, " anyways, Matt did you see that girl over there? I think she's new," he wiggles his eyebrows at him. I raised mine, surprised they would talk about such a topic in a public place.

"Yeah I believe she's in the class under ours." They both turned their heads towards me in unison.

"If you guys are implying I go talk to her, not happening." They groaned at my answer.

"Dude, you're never going to become not awkward if you don't try to not be."

"Kyle, that makes no sense. It's not even on topic," I smacked him gently across the head.

He did his cheesy smile for some odd reason and motioned behind me.

"Hey, boys, um I'm new here and I was just wondering where the science room was..." The new girl stood behind us.

"It's in the science wing which is over there," I pointed in the direction of the building. Both Matt and Kyle nudged me.

"And Nathan, here, will walk you there. Won't you, Nate?" Kyle stared implying I make a move.

"Uh sure? I have my first period with you anyways," I studied her schedule in her hands.

I was surprised she was taking Chemistry II, it's a harder level class, but you manage.

"Cool," she looked up at me as I looked down. We walked away from Matt and Kyle, I turned around giving them a dirty look for putting me into this situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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