My Dear Cinderella, I Love You

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Dear Cinderella, I Love You 


In the midst of a midnight dream, a ball was held inside a great, big mansion. The guests were all wearing lavish gowns, fancy suits, and were eating elegant, catered foods. The night sky was full of twinkling stars and the moon was shining brightly across the foyer. Lively chatter could be heard from outside the mansion, flowing towards the ears of one lost lamb. 

"It sounds so lively tonight," a girl with long, shiny blonde hair said, holding a rose in her flawlessly beautiful hand. Her exquisite blue eyes peered at the windows of the mansion which were near her and she saw hundreds of guests seemingly having fun gossiping and dancing all through the night. Seeing this, she sighed and turned back to the garden. 

"I hate balls," she muttered, gently stroking the petals of the roses with her free hand. "They make me sick." 

She heard footsteps coming towards her, but she ignored it and continued to admire the beauty of the flowers. 

"Why is it that such a beautiful girl is outside the mansion?" a cheerful voice said. "You're missing out on all the fun." 

"I wasn't invited," she replied simply. 

"Well, you could come with me!" 

She turned her head to face him. She saw a boy with spiky blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a warm smile plastered on his handsome face. "I'm sorry, I don't like balls," she said politely. 

"That's okay!" He took her arm and guided her towards the front door. "I promise I'll make it fun for you!" 

She didn't bother to pull free from his grasp for she thought that resisting him would be plain troublesome. She watched as he rang the doorbell with a cheerful expression on his face. 

"How can you always smile like that?" she asked. "There is nothing to be happy about." 

"You're wrong." He gazed deep into her uncaring blue eyes. "In life, there are millions of things to be happy about." 


As she walked inside the mansion, the people stopped their lively chatter to stare at her. She felt no uncomfortable feeling and continued to study the antique artifacts placed on the shiny wooden end tables. 

"You sure do stand out," the cheerful boy exclaimed. "By the way, why are you wearing a white gown? Isn't that worn for balls like this?" 

"I just feel comfortable wearing them," she said. 

"You're an unusual girl." He guided her towards a table full of boys and introduced her to them. "Hey, guys! This is... Uh..." 

"...Elizabeth," she said quietly. 

"Huh?" the blond guy said, a little confused. 

"Elizabeth..." she said again, a little louder this time. "My name is Elizabeth." 

The boy seemingly blushed. "Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't get it when you first said it... Well, this is Elizabeth!" 

A handsome guy with raven hair and onyx eyes sighed. "So you finally found a girlfriend, dobe?" 

The blond boy blushed different shades of red. "N-No... It's not what you think! I just met her outside!" He then turned to Elizabeth. "My name is Kevin! It's very nice to meet you, Elizabeth." 

"Me too," she said absently, twirling a strand of her long pink hair. 

Kevin turned to his friends. "That guy is Michael." He gestured to the handsome boy who called him dobe earlier. "That one's Sai, a Japanese guy." The boy with the fake smile. "That's Daniel." The one with the dog-like face. "That guy's James." The boy who always seemed to look tired. "And that one is Henry." The red-haired boy. 

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