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The pain was unimaginable. It felt like something ripped right through my skin. Searing, tearing flesh, agonizing. I wanted to scream, to shout at the sky asking why. Why had this happened? Why was I being put through something like this? What kind of monster was he?

My shoulder had started going numb, and the pain was fading. My stomach; however, was on a completely different level all together. I had never felt pain like this. But it wasn't even that bad, compared to what I felt inside. The turmoil, the dejection, the fear. She was gone. What was I going to do? I open my eyes and look up at the night sky at the trees above me. Alone? No. Kaname was here. I looked over at him and he just stared at me with blank eyes. Did he realize what had happened? Of course he did. He was a pureblood vampire. The highest rank of all of us. Higher even than me. He knew what had happened. I just wasn't so sure that he cared.

I tried to push myself up into a sitting position and felt his hand touch my good shoulder to stop me. He didn't say a word but I knew what he was saying all the same. Don't get up, you'll only hurt yourself. I threw him a glare and brushed his hand off. She was gone. There was no time to waste. I had to go after her.

This time he didn't stop me from trying to rise. It was a struggle, because I couldn't use my left arm and every movement sent new waves of pain through my body, emanating from the focal point just below my heart. I was lucky.

My whole left arm had gone numb and I couldn't feel any part of that limb. My shirt was soaked in blood and I knew I needed to feed. The little tablets weren't going to help me this time. I needed real blood to replace what I had lost. Damn those weapons. Damn that man. When I had finally risen to my feet I looked around me, almost confused. Which way to go? I wasn't going to be any help to her going after her in the state I was in. I was going to need to drink blood, get my strength back up first. But I would need to do it quickly, because I wasn't going to leave her for long in the clutches of that man.

That man. Her Sire. What an asshole. What kind of person shows up in the middle of a dance and takes an innocent girl away? I was furious. I wasn't so sure if it was more at myself or him. I knew that Mika was strong, but could she stand up against a werewolf twice her size and age? I hoped she could at least hold out long enough for me to find her. I searched out with my mind, remembering our connection. But I couldn't hear her. Not a single thought, which was weird. Because she never stopped thinking. Unconscious? I hoped that was the case. If she were dead, I'm not sure what I would do. She was something special, that was for sure. I cared about her, true. But I was starting to feel like it was more than that. We had a connection, I trusted her, I believed in her, and I thought it was something more. I turned around, and started heading back towards the schools. I would need to get myself bandaged and cleaned up, feed, and pack and get ready to go.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kaname asked.

I glanced back at him, trying to hide a wince. "I'm going to get my girl," I said, my eyes hard. "And in order to do that, I need to be one hundred percent." I paused. "Besides...there's someone I need to talk to."

I was going to need to find a few allies among the wolves. And what better place to start than Mika's own father and Alpha? If there was anyone who wanted her back as much as me, it would be him. 

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