Crystal of Psychos

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                                                                      P R O L O G U E

The curtains of past rose before his eyes and you could see fire imbibe every part of the heinous play. He stood there, the little him, right in front of the burning silhouette and one could clearly see the reflection of fury and wildness in his eyes. Everybody kept on weeping to the terrifying shrieks of that of kids and adults who were blanketed by the fire storm but he, he slowly tapped his feet to it. His tiny lips curled in to a sinister smile and that’s when you could point it out, he planned it, it was written all across his face, he planned it all, but why did the police overlook it? Why didn’t people believe? Maybe his blood soaked shirt made them think that the poor kid fell into a pool of blood while running out, the smoked up face, the bruises, all led them believe, he was the only boy, the boy who escaped, but they never thought maybe he was the boy, who directed and produced the play.

                                                                  C H A P T E R  1

The floor board moaned under the rocking chair, the age old wooden place was decorated with a disgusting stench of that of mold and pain. He sat there, rocking silently, with his thumb and index finger wrapped around his pointy chin, as if he was thinking something, something really really necessary. Few moments back, he was sharpening his sword, his knives. The little sparkle from the collision was the only thing that lighted up the dead place and how annoying was the voice! It was nails to ears! It was a wonder the girl didn’t wake up! He stared at her, twirling his sharpened knife around, first looking at her blonde hair, which literally looked like they were dipped in molten gold and kissed by the sun personally, and now it looked so lifeless, so dull. Her steel eyes, he remembered her steel eyes, how they expressed surprise when he came up to her and how her wine lips curled into a smile, showing off the most perfect smile you’ll ever see. She never knew, poor thing never knew what was coming for her and so do other people, they don’t know what’s coming for them. He stared at her sleeping body, oh how serene she looked! He hated the fact he had to tie her up, he hated that she put up a fight after waking up, he didn’t know she will wake up during his routine but apparently she did, he had to knock her out as she wouldn’t stand still and take the pill! He thought she was rude. Now he waited patiently for her. He stared outside into the beautiful dark night, painted with various shades of dark blue and black, millions of stars twinkling like nothing’s wrong and that’s when he heard, the muffled cry, he looked at her again and he saw the steel eyes, full of fright looking at him. She wiggled, trying to loosen up the grip of the tape, he smiled at her futile attempt. Now his eyes sparkled of thirst, his smile showed hunger. He widened his emerald green eyes and smiled his widest, took a knife and knelt down near her. She got up and staggered back towards a wall. He moved towards her and placed the tip of the knife on her arm. He could feel her heart racing in the silent night. He saw her neck pumping blood fiercely, he saw her chest go in and out in and out, her legs curling up near her as if they’ll protect her, ha! He shifted the point on the pumping vein and pierced it slowly, open mouthed and excited. Blood trickled out and a tear fell on his hand “Shhh! It won’t hurt a lot, just a little bit, I promise, till you’re alive it’ll sting, then it’s an easy walk” he said kissing her forehead. He pierced his knife deep in her arm, she screamed louder and louder sweat and tears mixing up in blood but the hushed night devoured her terrifying shrieks. He smiled wittily and dragged the knife down as slowly as he could, feeling the tear of each muscle, listening to every rupture of veins, seeing the skin part, for him it was like cutting a delicious, juicy chicken slowly and steadily. That’s what she was, a delicious, beautiful, terrified chicken. He licked the blood coated knife and smiled happily “Just the way I love it, terrified and full of guilt” and then the knife was placed under the skin, doing its usual routine. That was the last time I heard her scream and yet another time I see him enjoy.

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