True Love or Friendship?

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About the author:

Hey! My name is Darien, and I love writing stories! This story is based on my personal best friend and myself. I am using our real names in it.

Anyway, I'm not giving any of it away, because it could ruin the story. And that would be low.

So I should probably carry on...

I am a, tall I guess you could say (not super tall) brunette who lives in Canada. My best friend (who is in this story, is obsessed with One Direction.

So, out of all the bands/singers who have come to my city, I saw Selena Gomez in concert. Surprised? Thought so.

But enough about me. I should probably get to my story. Hope you enjoy!

P.S - I am typing this story on my iPod, so sorry if the majority of this is spelled wrong.

Chapter 1

"Selina! Your late for school! We only have 20 minutes to get to school. Get up!"

Yup. That's me. Selina Cassidy. A 17 year old girl who lives in LA along with my best friend Darien Raachel. We go to the same school together (obviously) and we made sure to have all the same classes together so we can ramble on about... Well you guessed it. One direction. We're obsessed with them. We think about them 24/7!

"okay mom. I'll be up in a few!" if you know me personally, I am not an organized person. My mom won't even allow me to have my room decorated because she knows I won't keep it clean. So we both agreed picture frames would have to work. Pictures with 1D in them! I have all the posters. Even the shirtless ones... Because we all know us girls have at least 3 pictures of any hot celeb on our wall.

"are you ready for tonight?" my mom questioned as we hopped in the car.

"you bet I am! Darien and I are going to have a blast!" yup. Tonight was the night. Darien and you were going to the 1D concert together.

"what time do you want to be there?"

"5:30. We need to get there before the rest of the little girls go."

We all know that getting to the stadium beig shoulder to shoulder with everyone else was disgusting. Yuck.

"Alright, if you need to be there early, I guess I can drive you guys."

"Sounds-HEY! There's Darien. Love you mom!" I kissed my mom on the cheeck just as I got out of the car. I ran up to Darien and hugged her, as usual then ran up the stairs into our school.

We walked through the middle school hallways... as usual, but you guys were always early so that you wouldn't get caught up in anything. But that morning you were late because of insomnia.

"So, how did you sleep last night?" Darien questioned, pushing through other people trying to at least stay by your side.

"I couldn't! I was thinking about 1D the whole night! Gooossh they are HOT! Harry's mine. Don't even think about getting all up in his business."

Selina had the BIGGEST passion for Harry Styles. Like, SUPER big.

"Okay, okay! Plus... I like Louis. Louis Tomlinson!!" Darien stared up at the ceiling, probably day dreaming about... who knows what.

"Darien!" You grabbed her arm as she almost ran into an open locker.

"Sorry... I was day dreaming."

You both ran up 2 flights of stairs that lead to your lockers. You both went to your lockers, unlocked them, grabbed your first period binders and locked your lockers; all at the same time.

"Funny how that happened!" You said, smiling the biggest smile.

*Rinnggg* the school bell rang meaning that you had to go to homeroom.

"I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye!"

"Omg! You would not believe what we did in homeroom today!" Darien started jumping on Selina.

"Well go on. What did you guys do?!" you started screaming wondering what the next words she was going to say next were...

Darien leaned in and whispered in Selina's ear.

"But you can't tell anyone!"

"Oh my gosh!! Really?!" you were flipping out in amazement as that really happened! You didn't know how to respond, in fact, you were completely shocked that her teacher would allow them to do that.


"why would he let you do that... In homeroom?!"

"I honestly don't know! Something's gotten into him. Like he's our one direction connection friend."

"well, that's just awkward. I'm just going to throw that out there."

You both went to your assigned seats in the science lab. You guys always picked the back together so you wouldn't get caught for talking so much!

"class... I have an announcement." your science teacher didn't seem to happy. In fact he seem a bit to serious.... And you needed to right away know why he was acting so strange...

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