Drained Memories(Short Story)

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People call me Dae. My real name is Daedra Light. Stupid name. That's all I hear. My friend Sebs thought of it. Sebs is short for Sebastian. He's my best friend... Really my only friend. He's the only one who would believe me. For the things I would tell him. He tells me it will all be better soon. He'll come back. Back to me. He would wipe my tears and ignore his own. I laid on my bed alone. The night curling around me. Making me feel uncomfortable. Silence filled the room. I tucked my head under the blankets repeating to myself what Sebastian would say. "Don't worry Dae. It'll all be over soon. No one's going to hurt you. He'll come back to you. Come back to me! Come back to all of us!" 

It was all a lie. To make me feel safe. He couldn't do anything now. Nothing could stop what was about to happen. I curled up even tighter in my bed. The windows flew open. The wind rushed in. The drapes flew around uncontrollably. My door knob flickered. It rattled and clicked. And the door finally bust open with a gust of air. The wind sent chills all throughout my body as it crawled to my scalp and froze. I breathed out a breath of hot air and took deep breaths. I had been hold my breath without noticing.

The windows clicked shut and the door closed. It was all over.

That was a lie also.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2012 ⏰

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