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Ropes of hair writhing in the breeze,
Her soul poised on the precipice of fate,
The thrill of rebellion,
The purple, red, pink, blue and finally black of the horizon
Sparkling waves, crashing against the rocky cliffs, eroded by foam,
Each breath chips away a little more,
Gloriously beautiful and unspeakable dangerous,
Alive for just a moment,
The whispers of spirits on the wind, past lives and departed souls  
Crackling through the night
Lost in the rush
Night, a silence more profound than death
The stars, glimmers of the divine
Guardians of the lone traveler,
The thrumming of the waves,
The throbbing of her heart,
Her words tumble from her lips,
Drowned by the hum
A taste of the sublime, impossible, unreproducible and brief
Leaving nothing but the taste of salt on her tongue and the warmth of a kiss on her lips,
Reminders of a soul lost and a heart broken,
Rough tokens of a beautiful breeze, in the spring of life
Writhing like tendrils of fate in the autumn gust 

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