Chapter 1

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On a sunny day, Dawn was hanging with friends to kill time from waiting for his friend Susan. "Alright Tom!" Dawn says challenging his friend Tom to a staring contest. "I won't lose" Tom replied. Dawn started staring with his bright blue eyes. And Tom started staring with his bright brown eyes. Dawn's eyes started to burn as the air blew into them.

Tom wasn't budging, he never does because Tom doesn't try hard at anything, you can describe him as a chill guy because he's mainly quiet. "I'm sure you're gonna lose Dawn!". Michelle shouts at Dawn. Dawn's eyes starts to water and, tears start to drop. Tom chuckles. Dawn blinks. "Ugh I give up!" Dawn yells. "Its alright bud maybe next time." Tom replies. "It's really simple, just don't apply pressure to your eyes like their gonna pop out." Michelle says. "I try not to." Dawn says. "You'll win one day, I believe in you." Michelle compliments. Dawn nods.

Tom wipes the sweat from his forehead with his blonde hair, It looked soaked. Dawn does the same with his black hair. Tom reaches for his phone. "AWW MAN!" Tom shouts. "What is it?" Michelle asked. "They removed the app for the new "Terror Dungeon 5." Tom says. "Was looking forward to downloading it but nevermind." Dawn replies. Michelle stands there confused. "Hey what time is it Tom?" Dawn asked. "5:30." Tom replies. "Oh I have to go, I'm gonna be late!" Dawn shouts. "Well see ya." Tom. Replies. Michelle smiles and waves. Dawn waves as he's running to meet up with Susan.

Dawn stops running slowly as if he'd forgotten something. "Oh crap I forgot about her birthday!" Dawn reminds himself . Dawn continues running to meet up with Susan. A few moments later Dawn sees Susan and His mother waiting at the front of his house. "Hi Mom, Hi Susan!" Dawn shouts. Dawn's mom waves at Dawn and Susan Stares. "You kept Susan waiting a while." Dawn's mom says with a serious face. "Sorry Suzy." Dawn apologies. Susan shrugs gently. "Okay have fun you two." Dawn's mom says leaving into the house. "Let's go." Susan says angered.

Dawn and Susan started walking. "What took you so long?" Susan asked. "I was killing time." Dawn replies. But you took longer than it should be." Susan says Frustrated. "Give me a break Susan, and plus I'm here now." Dawn says trying to convince Susan. Susan calms down. Well I guess you're right. Susan says calm. Susan hugs Dawn. "I'm just glad my best friend is okay." Susan says whimpering. "You okay Suzy?" Dawn says with concern. Susan wipes her tears and straightens her gold hair. She stares at Dawn with her green eyes, smiling ,trying to pretend she never cried. "I'm fine Danny." Susan says continuing wiping her tears. Dawn remembers something and pulls a wrapped gift out of his pocket. "Happy Birthday Susan."

Dawn hands the gift to Susan. Susan takes the gift and opens it. It was a necklace with a heart saying "Susan", Susan puts it on and bear hugs Dawn. "You're 13 now, like m-me, Susan you're going to break my back!" Dawn says uncomfortably being squeezed. "O-oh Sorry!" Susan apologies. "Nah it's fine." Dawn says smirks at Susan.

Dawn and Susan continue walking and something from the distance was shining bright. "What in the world is that?!" Dawn says shielding this eyes from the blue light. "I don't know!" Susan yells doing the same thing Dawn is doing. Another light pops up too but it was red. "Why are there two!?" Dawn asked. "I-DON'T-KNOW!" Susan yells at Dawn. "Is it just me or are those THINGS getting closer!?" Dawn asked. "Oh gosh!" Susan screams. The two lights dashed towards Dawn and Susan, Causing Dawn to fly into a tree and Susan into a field. The Blue light flew into Dawn and the Red light flew into Susan. It caused both of them to be knocked out.

Moments later

Dawn woke up sitting on the the tree. His left eye started glowing blue and he felt his arm aching. A blue beam shot out of Dawn's arm, hitting a tree and it fell down. "WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME?!" Dawn screams out loud. "OH NO! NO NO NO!" Dawn says repeatedly. "S-SUSAN!!!" Dawn shouts from the top of his lungs. Later, Dawn fainted.

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