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"I am so tired of being judged for the way my canvas is painted!" Bill told cameras while he sat in a chair in tears in a dressing room "I am me. Can't you see that?"
This continued for awhile. What happened was the German rapper, Bushido tried his damndest to make a sexual advance at Bill asking if he would practice oral sex with him. But Bill wasn't having any of it. In fact, the question literally scared him!
"I want to make this very clear to Bushido and the rest of Europe. I am not gay!" Bill continued
After that, Bill just wanted to be left alone to collect his thoughts.
After the interview was over, Bill was still mad at Bushido and the fact that people still judge him.
He just laid on the bed not saying a word.
That's when Tom came in.
"Hey. Are you in the mood to talk to me or are you still mad at Bushido for saying that to you?" He asked
"Tomi, how do you expect me to recover from this kind of stress? Everyone thinks I look like a freak." Bill replied
Tom sat down next to his brother, laughing.
"What's so funny?" Bill asked with a raised eyebrow
"No one hates you, Billa. You're just overreacting." Tom said
"How do you know?" Bill asked
"Well, I AM your brother." Tom replied
Bill rolled his eyes and smiled as he let Tom bear hug him.
Later that night, Bill was alone in the hotel room as Tom went out with his girlfriend and the G's were at a bar.
Bill sat alone watching TV when he heard someone knocking on the door.
"I didn't order room service! Try the next room!" he said
The person knocked again.
"ugh! kommen!" Bill said as he got up going to the door
When he opened the door, Bill was immediately knocked down.
Bill looked up to see Bushido taking his clothes off.
"Oh my God!" Bill cried as he went numb with shock and closed his eyes tight
"I don't care if you tell on me, Bill. I just like the joy." Bushido whispered
"What the hell? Get off of me! GET OUT OF HERE!! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME!!" Bill said as he spit in Bushido's face
"Kommen, precious boy. Why won't you make love with me?" Bushido said
"Because I'm not like that! Now get out or I'll call the police!" Bill threatened
"Fine." Bushido hissed "If you can't love me, I'll make you love me!"
"Wha-what?" Bill asked, shocked
A few hours went by, Bill opened his eyes again to see himself in the mirror.
He was bloody and nude on the bed. The other three were back by now.
"Billa, what happened?!" Tom asked, concerned
Bill began to cry.
"Tom, Bushido was here. I tried to kick him out but he wouldn't leave." Bill sobbed as he fell into Tom's arms
Tom didn't care that Bill was bloody. He just couldn't believe that this happened to his brother.
"Bill, did Bushido rape you?" he asked
"Ja." Bill said as he nodded
Gustav came back into the room moments later.
"The ambulance is here." he said
Later at the hospital, Tom, Georg and Gustav were at Bill's bedside.
"How are you feeling?" Georg asked, already knowing what the answer might be
"I'm numb." Bill replied as he cried
*a week later* "Bill, come out of there!" Tom said as he banged on the bathroom door
"Hold on!" Bill shouted back as he continued to heave into the toilet bowl
Later, Bill came out of the bathroom looking more pale than ever.
"Bill, what's wrong?" Tom asked
Bill swallowed back the bile fighting to come out of him.
"I don't know." he replied
As the weeks went on, Bill lost sleep, spent more time in the bathroom and even cried at unusual times. Still, Bill (or the others) didn't have a clue what was going on.
A month soon passed, Tokio Hotel was at sound check for a concert in Munich.
Bill was testing the microphone when he got distracted by Tom.
"Hey Bill, may I ask you something?" Tom asked
"Sure." Bill replied, dropping the microphone, letting it hang on the stand
"You haven't been yourself in this past month, I'm beginning to wonder if being raped had something to do with it. Are you feeling alright, little brother?" Tom asked
"Tomi, I'm fine. Everyone gets stressed after a tramatic experience. I'm sure I'm just sick." Bill said
Soon, there was a noise blasting from the speakers. It sounded like a heartbeat.
"Do you hear that?" Gustav asked Georg
"What the hell is that?" Georg asked back
"I'm sure something's just wrong with the sound system." Bill shrugged
He then looked at the sound crew who looked back at him with confused faces then they looked at each other then back at Bill and shook their heads.
"The sound's coming from your microphone, Bill." one of the crew finally said
Bill looked down at the microphone hanging on the stand. It was now pressed against his abdomen volumizing the strange noise.
"Oh meine gott!" Bill said in shock as he quickly picked up the microphone.
His face was red with embarrassment.
In Bill and Tom's dressing room. Bill looked at himself in the mirror and quickly looked away.
"I should take better care of myself." he said out loud
"Why would you say that?" Tom asked as he debated on what cap to wear for the show
"Tomi, you heard the noise! That was a heartbeat! It wasn't mine though...Tomi, I can't believe I'm about to say this. But, Bushido impregnated me!" Bill said
Tom put his hat collection down and walked over to the vanity where he took a seat.
"What are you gonna do now?" Tom asked
"I can't kill it! It already has a heartbeat!" Bill said
"So you're going to keep it?" Tom asked
"Ja. I just don't want Bushido in its life." Bill replied

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