The Awakening

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     "They told you , you were weak and you believed them, they told you , you were mad and you believed them, but did you ever stop to think it was them who mad my child, awaken child to the wonder that is you, for today your serpent rises through your spine........remember......."


            Suddenly I woke up to my alarm clock ringing and the dissipating sound of a mother figure I longed for but never had. I had no time to think further of her voice, for today was the day my of birthday and today I would finally get everything I ever longed for and dreamed. The day of the biggest interview of my life for a big corporation. I may have been an orphaned kid growing up in the slums working my ass off to pay for my degrees through community colleges, but today I would find true happiness. Today I would join in the rat race.

I quickly got ready for my interview as a burning sensation filled the back of my spine, that i disregarded as merely interview jitters.

I quickly threw on my nice suite that I spent nearly half my rent money to pay for, I told myself it was an investment, for when I got the job I would be able to pay back my rent money in time for next month's rent.

Oh surely I must be the bravest bastard ever I thought, as a voice in the back of my head yelled, no the bravest man ever lived in 1962 and was killed by a viet cong named Lau Su.

I smirked slightly at the voice that I would never acknowledge out loud to anyone not even myself. The angels and demons have your back young incubus, spawn of The Mother Dragon Time. I had no time for this foolishly so i grabbed a piece of fruit and rushed out of my shitty two bedroom studio to drive to my interview in downtown london.

------------- In Another Plane of Existence(The Sixth Dimension) far from Our Dreary World found only in the Imaginations of Poets, Writers and Musicians.( The Insane)-----

        "So the boy Jacob, has finally started to awaken eh Samael?" the old looking man known as Cronos spoke to a younger, good looking, beast of a man.

"Yes so it seems, I never throught it take this long to be honest Cronos, he is my kin and he has my blood in him, so I would have thought would have had his awakening at least a decade ago." Samael spoke dryly.

"Oh Samael be easy on the lad, it is a different time from when mortals would ascend when my children ruled, for in this day of age those who profess higher knowledge are seen as mad, daft or even worst yet adversaries to a truth brought on by the current religious order, that Elohim established, the ascended master who would claim the most high. Any way whatever happened to you and him? I believe you and him once were very close in that order?" Cronus asked.

"Don't bring it up old man, we had a parting of ways, when I told his two energy cattles, the truth of themselves, Now I am labeled in that realm as The Great deceiver and Adversary" Sighed Samael.

"Now that is a bit funny in my opinion," laughed Cronus, Oh you water of knowledge and Bringer of Truth, are seen as a Great Deceiver??

"It is what it is Cronus, some will listen and see only darkness, and some will listen and see through the fears of their unknown, and embrace the truth of themselves and grow." shrugged Samael." It makes no difference what mortal minds believe, for surely if they would give their power away so freely to others, perhaps they are truly only worthy to serve. Anyway my boy descendant of The Mother dragon and me, is awakening today and will take his place as one of us, oh Father time." finished Samael smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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