"No beginning is truly that of which is its definition"~ anonym ^_^
Don't tell me you were looking for an upbeat gay tale of bunnies and rainbows? Because when has any poetic masterpiece been such? Okay well, be forewarned this is just as happy-go-lucky as Wednesday Adam's personality. Though that might be a bit of an exaggerated description... Anyway, I think I'll start by saying I'm definitely not the main character in this story... Not even close *wink*.So have you ever seen the rain from behind glass? Then you know the unshakable melancholy feeling that overwhelms the innocent bystander. Or the various thoughts that run through each individual's head that can either lead them closer to an epiphany or complete undoing. Whether you feel like soaring, or falling, is up to you. Where is your mind? Your thoughts? Well either way we all have those moments. Even the strongest of people feel the falling feeling occasionally.Now this is where we start our story, Deep in the heart of one of the largest cities, lies a house, cut off from the world mostly. Surrounded by thick trees and wildlife, it's like stepping into a wonderland when Alice was from the ghetto. Everything was covered in vines, trees that pierced the sky like skyscrapers, and birds constantly singing their song as if nothing was the matter. Howls of the night heard every so often, footprints left behind by countless creatures that seemed misplaced in the city, sought refuge in this hidden fortress, one that wasn't the utmost appealing, or eye-catching, dare I say abandoned looking. Though it may look that way, I can assure you it wasn't. The family that resided inside was far from average- in fact, I'd go as far as to say they were peculiar. A young girl with long golden locks and bright green eyes that held wonder from many worlds that all originated from her imagination, would spend every hour from dawn to dusk dreaming with her eyes open and her legs running. Whether she was a captain of a pirate ship or an intergalactic hero, a bartender, or owned a park full of dinosaurs. She was always running and dreaming. Dreaming and running. The wind would often take her away to the next adventure. Her imagination not only took her the places she could never go but it also took her away from the life that she had. If you asked her personally, I don't think she would have a single poor thing to say about life, especially hers. She might bring up the ghost that haunted the halls of that old house, however, they were there first so why complain about them. She might even mention the cranky old neighbor who shared a fence line with them and constantly had a problem with the wildlife. Except for the fact he was also there first. She might bring up the landlord who gave her an unexplainable sense of discomfort when he was near. But again he was there first. In fact, she didn't really understand why or how she was there. Just that she was and that was enough for her. She had her little dog to keep her company. That was it though. She was homeschooled and a bit lonely at times. She did have friends though. The ones that would play with her in her imagination. They loved to get into all kinds of mischief and chaos. When she wasn't imagining a world so much different than the one you and I live in she would sit with her grandfather. They would have musical drum solos. He would initiate them by thumping on the armrest of his white rocking chair. then she would follow suit by repeating the pattern back. They would continue this until their hands hurt. laughing and singing along in their own world. You should have seen her when she got her first camera phone. She would walk around making home videos all day until the storage would fill up. She once was recording so intently that she walked clear into a snake that wasn't too happy that she disturbed his peace. I feel like this was foreshadowing for something later in life *wink* anyway he stood up as tall as her and hissed in her face and she ran screaming. Her carefree world flashed before her eyes. however, she didn't blame the snake, and why should she? He was probably there before she was as well. It was a story she not only had on video but could recite a million times and not get tired of telling it. She loved nature. It was her happy place. It was her favorite thing in the world to be doing. She felt free and in control and lost all at the same time. She felt like she could control the wind or it controlled her and she didn't mind that one bit. She was the wind. In so many ways. She was fast and ran anywhere her feet could take her but she was also swift in the way she thought and acted. She was always changing her mind about everything and always had something to say. She could come up with a story to tell faster than she could tell you her own name. She didn't feel connected to her name. She felt more connected to reality that she could choose in her mind at any given moment.